The Benefits of Digital Service

The Benefits of Digital Service

How often do you send an email to a customer, then call them, leave a voicemail, follow up, and restart the entire process until you hear back that the work is approved or not approved? All while your technician is debating whether or not to take the truck out of the bay and start more work because you haven't heard back?

Maybe you have a handful of folks who sit and wait for emails- great, email them! Perhaps you have people who made an email account to get a 20 percent coupon while buying something online and never checked again.

One thing is for sure, 90 percent of text messages are opened within the first 3 minutes of receiving them. Unless your customer demographic is primarily folks with flip phones, in which case, this isn't the most helpful article for you.

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How do we help customers and service personnel feel more confident with recommendations during a service appointment? Video allows the technician to highlight the necessary work on a truck, ensuring the customer has a complete visual understanding of what's being recommended and why.

Utilizing video in the service workflow allows customers to make well-informed decisions about their trucks quickly and efficiently. Combine the visibility with video and focus on communicating how customers want to communicate. We've found these naturally drive:

Improved Customer Experience

Increased Work Turnaround

More Billable Hours

It's less about what you're communicating and more about how. Customer experience is rooted in communication, good or bad.


Michaela (Nejaime) McCarron的更多文章

