Computer-Based Tests are now an integral part of learning in 2022 especially post-pandemic. They are very useful for both educational and corporate institutions. For students, there are many benefits to studying with this software. Some of them include:
- It assists in the development of learning capacities: Computer-Based Tests are important as they can measure different skills or sets of knowledge to provide new and better information about your abilities. This means that by using this software to study, you get to know where you stand and how and what area you need to improve on.
- Ability to adjust test difficulty level: There is the provision of computer adaptive tests which are a form of CBTs that adjusts difficulty levels. This is based on the respondent’s answers, depending on the student’s ability and knowledge. For example, if the student answers a question correctly, the next problem will be more difficult. This helps the student adjust and do better whilst maintaining speed in answering questions.
- Auto-grading: There is also the auto-grading feature that grades immediately after a test is over. This means that you get to know your score in real-time and know your strengths and weaknesses. This ultimately helps you prepare better and for the main exam, know when to move on to the next question rather than wasting time. Therefore, it helps you manage time.
- Specially designed questions to fit JAMB/NECO/WAEC: There are specially designed questions tailored to the standard of JAMB/NECO/WAEC that will test the student and give them an idea of how questions are formed.
There are many benefits of studying with Computer-Based Test software and we have this software available at Cloud Choice. To download this software, please visit
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