Benefits of Coaching – Confidence
Illuminext Coaching
Illuminext Coaching helps professional migrant women to move to the next level in life and career..!
This month, I am on a mission to bring more understanding about coaching to you in my network and to the general public.
This series of posts is on the benefits of coaching. Wherever possible I have also given success stories/examples of how I used coaching tools to bring those benefits to my client’s situation or my own life.
Disclaimer: I have taken the consent from my clients to share these stories and in order to protect their privacy names, and places have been changed
A coach can help you to build self-confidence and self-esteem. This can help you take on new challenges and enjoy life more.
One of my clients, a smart boy with a very promising life came to me and said “I hate myself”.
He was bullied in school at a very young age, and he had very low self-confidence, as he said he did not like himself. His goals looked extensive; his daily plan had no room for rest. He was trying to gain self-confidence and self-esteem by doing things and ticking boxes.
I saw a broken heart, the pain of rejection. A child looking for love and acceptance from the outside world. First, he needed to start accepting himself for who he is. Then we needed to work on self-love. I worked with him to make him realise, besides all the labels that the world has given that he is a human like any other human, no less, no more.
I asked him to bring some of his infant photos to the session. I asked him to look at the eyes of the baby in the photo, which was him when months old. While looking at the photo, I could see his facial expressions soften he was feeling quite nostalgic. I asked him to try to understand what the baby wants. He said, probably want to be picked up. I asked, If somebody picked him up what will the boy feel? He said "love, caring, and kindness." I asked him, `What will happen when the boy grows up, will the needs change? He said ′He may have more needs but those needs will remain. ′
Then I paused and asked him very kindly, are you satisfying that baby′s needs? At that moment, this smart boy realised how much he had neglected this little child in him. Then we talk about being kind to him and taking care of himself. I also explained it is not fair to expect the world to be kind and accept him for who he is when he is not kind to himself and not accepting himself for who he is.
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After that, we reworked his goals and his rigorous daily plan with some love and consideration for himself.
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