Benefits of automating the processing of suppliers invoices
If you are a regular reader of this blog , you may have learned of some of the great benefits that switching to a processing system like InShip would have on your business and accounts department. If you are a first time reader you may need to check out some of the previous blogs to discover some interesting reasons on why you should switch to InShip.
Switching to an automated invoice processing system just makes sense for everybody involved. It makes sense for your business, your accounts payable department and your suppliers. The main reason why you need to switch is cost. Manually processing invoices is an unnecessary cost. If you are a business with hundreds to thousands of invoices a month then you will be spending at least 2 euro on each invoice processed. This is mainly due to paper costs, printing costs and then postal costs. Your suppliers will also bare the brunt of these costs as well. As well as this manually processing invoices can lead to human errors which can then lead to under or over payments on invoices. Automating the process can completely eradicate this problem can save the business massive amounts of money and potential conflict with suppliers.
The time that is wasted processing invoices is also one that is also massively unnecessary. Hours upon hours are wasted in accounts payable departments processing invoices. Instead of wasting their time doing this , why not put them to better use and take away this needless task for them. Remember an automated system like InShip is not replacing an accounts payable department but rather helping them to add more value back into the business.
Thinking about switching? Switch to InShip today by visiting our website and keeping updated on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram for more content on how an automated invoice processing system can benefit your business.