Benefits of Automated Truck Scale Kiosks
Facilities such as landfills, transfer stations, feed mills, construction sites, load-out facilities and many more can benefit from automated kiosks. With kiosks, drivers can check-in, weigh-in and -out, and print tickets without leaving their truck, increasing driver safety throughout processes. Transaction errors are also virtually eliminated by automating everything from point-of-sale to account management.
In addition to greater process efficiency and driver safety, automated kiosks allow facilities to expand their service hours with unattended vehicle weighing. Faster transactions mean drivers spend less time at the facility, creating higher throughput.
Boost Efficiency in the Entire Process
Automated kiosks can identify trucks so drivers can quickly check into the facility. Drivers can also use unmanned kiosks to verify load information such as customer, job identity, destination, product and even load quantity.
Kiosks used for weigh-in procedures function similarly to check-in kiosks, though weigh-in kiosks are connected to truck scales to capture and update the truck’s tare weight.
Lane Verification
When paired with silo load-out and truck scale systems, kiosks can help verify trucks are in the correct lane to receive the right material during automated loading.
Ticket Printing
Once trucks have been loaded and weighed at the silo load-out system, ticket printing kiosks can identify trucks and print tickets.
After trucks have been loaded, they can enter a scale to verify load and check out of the facility.
Automated Kiosk Solutions
Automated truck scale kiosks from Rice Lake Weighing Systems can handle every step of truck loading and order processing. Regardless of plant size, truck volume or number of locations, there is a Rice Lake kiosk system available for complete integration of your customer, hauler and material records. Keep traffic moving, increase profits and reduce transaction errors while building stronger customer relationships with the help of automated kiosks.