Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water

Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water

What is alkaline water?

The “alkaline” in alkaline water refers to its pH level. The pH level is a number that measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is on a scale of 0 to 14. For example, something with a pH of 1 would be very acidic and something with a pH of 13 would be very alkaline.

Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular drinking water. pH of water can be raised in two ways one is by adding chemical and other is via Electrical Change (Electrolysis) which is called as Alkaline Ionized Water.

Benefits of Alkaline Ionised Water in various ways

  • anti-aging properties (via liquid antioxidants that absorb more quickly into the human body)
  • colon-cleansing properties
  • immune system support
  • hydration, skin health, and other detoxifying properties
  • weight loss
  • cancer resistance

and many more . Alkalinity is the need of your body

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