The Benefits of Advertising on Twitter
As businesses turn towards social media to up their game, social platforms also offer new and exciting features to brands to help them take full advantage of their social presence. Twitter, one among the leading social media giants, has introduced many additions to facilitate business and promotion.
While we are well aware of how popular Facebook and Instagram ads are, brands shouldn’t doubt the influence of Twitter ads. Twitter witnessed a 150% hike in engagement rates in 2016 and video ads are something that brands can leverage on. While there are many options for running ad campaigns, brands should consider the benefits of Twitter ads that can make them stand out.
Twitter Ads are precise
Twitter ads follow a certain level of precision and are subtle. Users can scroll through these ads and they naturally blend into the feed of appropriate followers. These ads are engaging and feed-friendly especially for users who like to scroll through their feed. These ads follow the prime objective of building brand awareness. Twitter exclaims that that 40% of users tend to buy a product within a month of viewing an ad in their feed.
Twitter Ads are economical
Twitter allows you choose exactly how much you wish to spend and what audience you would like to target. This helps brands to narrow down on prospects that are of greater importance to them and save some ad dollars in return. What more do brands need than getting a full control over their budget?
Twitter Ads can be tailored to your needs
Twitter ads can be customized to suit your needs. Right from sponsored content to endorsed videos, brands have the liberty to modify their campaigns and ads as per their needs and requirements. Twitter states that their video ads are more memorable as compared to ads on other social media platforms.
Twitter offers various features for advertising and promoting your brand. So, if want to gain more followers on your Twitter account then give Twitter Advertising a try. It will help you raise the awareness of your brand and make a lasting impression on an appropriate audience.