The benefit of implementing an OHS management system in your organisation

The benefit of implementing an OHS management system in your organisation

As an OHS professional, I have seen the benefits of implementing an OHS management system in various organisations. In this article, I will share some of the advantages of having a systematic approach to managing occupational health and safety risks and opportunities.

An OHS management system is a set of policies, procedures, processes, and practices that aim to prevent work-related injury and ill health, and to continually improve OHS performance. It is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, which involves identifying hazards, assessing risks, implementing controls, monitoring, and reviewing outcomes, and taking corrective actions as needed.

Some of the benefits of implementing an OHS management system are:

·???????? It demonstrates the organisation's commitment to providing a safe and healthy work environment for its workers, contractors, visitors, and other stakeholders.

·???????? It helps the organisation comply with relevant OHS legislation, regulations, codes of practice and standards, as well as meet its contractual and ethical obligations.

·???????? It reduces the likelihood and severity of work-related incidents, injuries and illnesses, and their associated costs and impacts on productivity, quality, reputation, and morale.

·???????? It enhances the organisation's OHS culture, leadership, and communication, and fosters worker participation and consultation in OHS matters.

·???????? It enables the organisation to identify, and address OHS risks and opportunities in a proactive and systematic manner, and to continually improve its OHS performance and outcomes.

There are various standards and frameworks that can guide the development and implementation of an OHS management system, such as ISO 45001:2018, AS/NZS 4801:2001, or the National Model Work Health and Safety Act 2011. The choice of the most suitable one depends on the organisation's context, needs and objectives.

Implementing an OHS management system can be a challenging but rewarding process. It requires strong leadership support, clear roles and responsibilities, adequate resources, effective training and awareness, regular monitoring and evaluation, and continual improvement. However, the benefits are worth the effort. An OHS management system can help the organisation achieve its OHS vision, mission, and goals, and create a positive impact on its workers, customers, suppliers, community, and environment.

To implement an OHS management system, you need to follow these steps:

1.?????? Establish the context and scope of your OHS management system. This includes defining your OHS vision, mission, and goals, identifying your legal and other requirements, determining your internal and external issues, and engaging your stakeholders.

2.?????? Plan your OHS management system. This includes conducting a risk assessment, setting your OHS objectives and targets, developing your OHS policies and procedures, and allocating your resources.

3.?????? Implement your OHS management system. This includes communicating your OHS policies and procedures, providing training and awareness, establishing operational controls, ensuring worker participation and consultation, and documenting your OHS activities.

4.?????? Check your OHS management system. This includes monitoring and measuring your OHS performance, conducting audits and inspections, investigating incidents and nonconformities, and evaluating feedback and satisfaction.

5.?????? Act on your OHS management system. This includes reviewing your OHS performance, identifying opportunities for improvement, taking corrective and preventive actions, and updating your OHS policies and procedures.

As already mentioned above there are various standards and frameworks that can guide the development and implementation of an OHS management system. The choice of the most suitable one depends on your organisation's context, needs and objectives.

If you require some assistance with developing an OHSMS then reach out to Evotix. Evotix is a leading provider of OHSMS that help organisations improve their performance and compliance. Evotix can help with implementing an OHSMS by:

·???????? Conducting a gap analysis to identify the current state of your OHSMS and the areas for improvement.

·???????? Developing a customized OHSMS plan that aligns with your organizational goals, culture, and industry standards.

·???????? Providing training and coaching to your staff on the OHSMS requirements and best practices.

·???????? Auditing and monitoring your OHSMS performance and effectiveness.

·???????? Providing continuous support and improvement to ensure your OHSMS meets your changing needs and expectations.

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