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Shelly Mishra from Banasthali Vidyapeeth has authored a blog on "Beneficial Rule of Interpretation."
The term ‘interpretation’ has its roots in the Latin word ‘interpretari’ which means to explain, expound, and understand or to translate.
Interpretation is the process of explaining, expounding and translating any text or anything in written form. This basically involves an act of discovering the true meaning of the language which has been used in the statute. The main aim of interpretation is to clarify the meaning of the words used in the statutes which might not be that clear and to find out the true meaning behind the words.
The interpretation is done when the language of the provision is ambiguous, not clear what the law is made for, or when a provision has two or more meanings, or when two or more views are possible about the provision, or when the meaning of the provision defeats the purpose of the statute. It is needed because drafting a law is a complex task; and the legislature has to keep in mind thousands of scenarios so that the legislation drafted is complete in itself, and the meaning of the statute would be clear and direct.
There are various kinds of interpretations which are as follows:
It has been divided into two parts:
Beneficial rule of interpretation also known as the rule of beneficial construction which involves the two or more possible ways of interpreting a section or words or rule or guideline which will provide benefit, relief or protect a single class or a classes of people. In this view the Maxwell commented that the beneficial construction is based on the principal of human tendency, instead of restricting people from getting the benefit of the statute, the court tends to include as many classes as it can while being faithful at a time of constructing a statue.
Because when a statue is made for the benefit of the people of a specific class or classes and a word is used in a statue which is representing two different meaning then the meaning which is providing the benefit shall be adopted and should be followed by the court. For example in a case, Alembic Chemical Work v Workmen, an industrial tribunal awarded more number of paid leave to worker than what mentioned in section of 79(1) of factories act recommended. This was challenged by appellant. Supreme Court held that enactment being welfare legislation for the workers, it has to be beneficially constructed in the favor of the workers and thus, if the words are capable of two meaning, the one who gives benefit to the workers should be used.
?A beneficial construction is for the benefit of a people at a large hence it has to be constructed in a correct and perspective way so that it would be fruitful, hence the law which is to be enacted should be with the objective of promoting a social welfare and facing the urgent social demand of the society.
Great work, Shelly!