The beneficial effect of “no.”

The beneficial effect of “no.”

Do you recognise this??“Where did they get this from?” Pay particular attention to the word ‘they’, which some say means ‘the other’ and others ‘the one’. ‘This’, by the way, in this context means ‘the new logo’. The logo. It is often associated with the ultimate metaphor, the flapping albatross, the haut- relief chiselled into the temple pediment, as an exponent of some God. Small or big, it doesn’t matter, without a logo there is no existence. But does this also apply to the restyle of logos of established brands? Those new, often bland and generative monstrosities that suddenly pop up and disrespectfully drum away their predecessors? Besides, why are good logos so often traded in? Why are carefully constructed identities, for which a ‘logo with a face’ guaranteed, so quickly replaced?

Read the entire essay at:

This essay is part of the book 'Geometrically Speaking'. The book reflects on the search for new logos and branding and presents almost a thousand logo designs by visionandfactory.

The 'Geometrically Speaking' book is now available at


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