Benedictine Oblate Newsletter
“Wherefore I say to thee; many sins are forgiven her, because she hath loved much.? But to whom less is forgiven, he loveth less.”
(Saint Luke 7:47)
He who is forgiven much, loves much.? Jesus touches on this in the parable about the talents in the Gospel of St. Matthew (18:24-27) as well.? A “talent” is a Hebrew weight and denomination of money which is equal to 3,000 shekels, which is almost 100 POUNDS of silver!? In this parable, Jesus said the servant owed 10,000 (TEN THOUSAND) talents!? (He was in pretty deep!)? Now, this particular servant, AFTER he is forgiven his debt, takes this forgiveness for granted, and allows greed to take over and we all know the end of that story.? As prison Oblates, our debt, though forgiven, sits in front of us, daily.? Every morning, when we awake, and pull on your prison uniform, the “cost” resounds loud and clear.? This, of course, burns our “imprints” deeper and deeper.? It is easy to fall into the trap of self-loathing as a result of this.? I challenge you not to do this.? The instruction of our Holy Father St. Benedict says:? as soon as they arise, “dash them against Christ” (RSB 4:50), as self-hatred only leads to bitterness of life and self pity.? NEITHER ARE TRAITS OF AN OBLATE OF ST. BENEDICT!? This sort of thinking poisons you and then poisons everyone around you.? Because of our great debt (10,000 talents, supra) which GOD has COMPLETELY FORGIVEN, PRAISE BE TO JESUS CHRIST!!!? We are able to love all the more.? We must ?CHOOSE to do so, however.? The enemy would much rather we fall into the trap of feeling sorry for ourselves: crushing our spirits and quenching our spiritual fervor.? In the Gospel of St. Mark, 12:30-31, Jesus explains the greatest commandment, and then, though not asked, expounds upon it, and adds the second greatest commandment, in verse 31:? “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”? The tools for good works, (Cf:? RSB, Chapter 4) begins with them, and I encourage you to dig deep into these two verses of Sacred Scripture.? Do you love yourself?? Do you let others love you?? Do you let God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost love you?? Nobody can love you unless you allow it.? (Do I need to repeat this?)? Have you forgiven yourself for your past?? How can you live as Jesus commands and “love thy neighbor as thyself” if you do not love yourself?? Answer:? YOU CANNOT.? ? A dear brother and Oblate often says “You cannot give, what you do not have.”? If you have been unable to forgive yourself and move beyond your faults, I encourage you to ask the Blessed Virgin Mother to intercede for you and ask Jesus for the courage to take this step.? Often, it is difficult for us to do this, as we do not fully understand or comprehend.? Forgiveness can be difficult to wrap our heads around.? Just accept that.? You needn’t fully understand it in order to take the initial step.? First, acknowledge and own your faults.? Do not try to explain, make excuses for, or justify them:? just own them.? Second, ask the Holy Spirit to grant you the grace to learn from them and forgive yourself.? Move past them.? NEWS FLASH:? No one is perfect!? We all sin and fall short (Rom. 3:23), however, if we are honest and humble, we can learn from our mistakes and build a better, more Christ-like self.? Love ourselves, as God does, and SHARE this love and forgiveness with those around us.? But, what, of Chapter 4, verse 10 of RSB?? It says to “renounce yourself” and do not loathe yourself.? I am not saying we need to “worship at the altar of self” in order to love ourselves.? Quite the opposite, actually.? To love, means to be honest, and to discipline; To chastise and correct…(cf: Heb. 12:6)? If you prefer St. Augustine, I quote:? “Suffer the pains of discipline or suffer the pangs of regret.”? Love does not always “feel” good.? This is a topic for another newsletter.? I pray you continue to grow in your formation as an Oblate; in your relationship with God, our Almighty Father; and your allegiance to our Beloved Queen, Mary ever Virgin!? [For further prayerful study, read CCC Article 4; 1422-1498.]
May God and Mary be with you!? Pax.
Oratio Devota
(said “Oar-AH-tsee-oh / Day-voh-tah”) is where we take a little Latin, the ancient and sacred language of Holy Mother Church, and apply it to our daily lives.? This month’s phrase is:
“Sustineat poenam disciplinam miserius dolore dolores”
(said:? Soos-tin-ey-aht / pay-nahm / dis-chi-plee-nahm / mee-sehr-ee-oos / doh-lohr-ay / doh-lohr-ays.)
This gem has many folks credited with being its author.? Research from the “InterGoogle” (made up term for Internet and Google that chafes my kids every time I say it…) reveals Jim Rohn, a former businessman now deceased; C.S. Lewis from his writing “The Problem Of Pain”; Anthony Robbins is credited for saying this; as well as various exercise gurus and trainers.? I suspect that this wisdom is much, much older.? To me, after reading a lot of his writings, this smacks of St. Augustine of Hippo!? Now, the “InterGoogle” won’t sign off on that, but, my gut says otherwise.? Regardless of who gets the credit for crafting this phrase initially, it directly applies to all of us Oblates and, arguably, every other human on the planet.? This phrase translates to “suffer the pangs of discipline or suffer the pangs of regret.”? An article from the late Pope Benedict XVI on Saint Benedict from the writings of St. Pope Gregory the Great demonstrates to all Benedictine Oblates all of the discipline challenges that St. Benedict went through to quiet his spirit so that he could be of service to the rest of the world and found Western Monasticism.? Without St. Benedict’s discipline, we, his “children” would not exist.? How is your discipline these days?? Are you in control and disciplined or are you more reactionary and self-indulgent?? Do you find yourself in those pitfalls set by the enemy or do you respond when experiencing these challenges.? To report on myself, the answer is “mixed” as there are some times when I believe I respond appropriately and the others, well, to say “I fall short” is to say “superglue is somewhat adhesive…”? Sometimes, it seems to be a constant struggle to keep disciplined and not suffer the pangs of regret.? Upon reflection at Compline the pangs of regret are most acute, as that is when I “replay the tape” in my head.? “I could have done that differently” comes to mind.? Perhaps the fact that we experience that sort of thing at Compline is a good thing, signaling us that we are on the right path to discipline.? For me in my impatience, my thoughts are “why can’t I just be disciplined all the time?”? I am confident I can’t be the only Oblate who thinks this.? Upon further reflection, though, it is all part of our earthly struggle on our way to work out our salvation and sanctification.? Suffering is necessary for our salvation and without that suffering, we are deprived of the grace that comes with that suffering.? My parish administrator has an excellent remedy for frustration with suffering.? She says whenever you are experiencing strife or ordered to do something that requires “extra discipline” say to God “okay, I’ll suffer this, but, I want you to release a hundred souls from purgatory for my suffering.”? I thought that was a great response and I have heard her advise parishioners in this manner, one of whom, is on parole and has to call daily for check-ins.? So my sisters and brothers, you may consider doing this the next time you are experiencing some kind of trial or strife.? I have found this to be helpful and you may agree with me, as I have been there and am familiar with the nuances of the prison/prisoner environment.? May God bless and keep all of you and may you advance positively in your quest for discipline.? You are all in my prayers during the Office.
Pax + Domini sit + semper nobis+cum!
Book of the month:
The Problem of Pain by: C.S. Lewis
ISBN:? 9780006245674
This book considers the question “If God is good and all knowing, why does he allow suffering?”
Prayer Intentions and Requests:
For all of our disciplines, sufferings, and challenges which sanctify us.
For continued access to the sacraments of Holy Mother Church.
For the intentions of The Holy Father.
For the healing of all wounds in Holy Mother Church.
Important Dates in July:
1-The Precious Blood of Our Lord; 3-St. Irenaeus; 4-Commemoration of All Holy Popes; 5-St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria; 6-St. Maria Goretti; 7-Sts. Cyril & Methodius & SACRED HEART OF JESUS; 8-St. Elizabeth of Portugal; 10-7 Holy Brothers & Sts. Rufina & Secunda; 11-Sts. Benedict & Pius I, Pope; 12-St. John Gaulbert; 14-St. Bonaventure; 15-St. Heinrich II; 17-St. Alexis; 18-St. Camillus; 19-St. Vincent de Paul; 20-St. Jerome Emiliani; 21-St. Laurence di Brindisi; 22-St. Mary Magdalene; 24-St. Christina; 25-St. James, the Greater; 26-St. Anne, mother of BVM; 27-St. Pantaleon;? 28-Sts. Nazarius, Celsus, Victor I, & Innocent I; 29-St. Martha; 31-St. Ignatius Loyola.
Do you have questions or comments about the Prison Oblate Program?? Write to:? Fr. Matthew Habiger, OSB, Director of Prison Oblates, St. Benedict’s Abbey, 1020 North Second Street, Atchison, KS.? 66002.? Share this newsletter with a friend, prayer partner, or fellow parishioner, wherever you may be located.? If you wish to contribute financially to this ministry, make your check or money order payable to: Oblates In Prison and mail it to Fr. Matthew at the address above.? For those of you who already contribute, THANK YOU!? We cannot do this without you.