Benedict School Naples

Benedict School Naples

Many English language schools in southern Italy are in serious decline and struggling with poor standards and lack of resources. The Benedict Schools in Italy have run for some time. They did have excellent reputation, but one of their branches is terrible and should be avoided. I am referring to Benedict School in Pomigliano d’Arco (near Naples). It is a small school which has falsely advertised for TEFL teachers, offering them support which does not even exist. It is one of the worst schools in Naples. The school has very limited resources and not enough books for teachers. There is no teacher resource room and no computers for teachers to use. There is just a Wi-Fi connection which is not even stable. Teachers have to use an empty classroom as a place to prepare lessons and often get moved around or told to leave unless they have a lesson. Benedict School has a low number of staff. They have a high turnover of staff and they do not look after their teachers well. The owner, Carmen Elsa Clemente, is a thief who has stolen money and also lied about courses of English. She offer teachers work and promises many things, but are they mostly lies or not completely true. The school is disorganized and chaotic in management. Some of the staff are clearly incompetent. I would not recommend this school and they are unprofessional. The owner, Carmen Clemente, is a useless and pathetic person. She claims to run a school which she thinks is amazing, but with fake reviews. it is a chaotic place with incompetent people who don’t know anything about management. The owner has stolen wages from staff to fund her luxury summer holidays.

The school has lied to teachers about the work they offer. They claim to offer teachers a perfect working environment. But this is not true. The school claims to teach courses for everybody, from kids to adults and company courses. But this is a lie. They only offer courses for children and young learners. There are no courses for adults and no courses for companies or business English. The owner has lied about this for many years. She does this to get teachers to travel to Naples and work at her school. She then forces people to teach young children for most of there timetable. Teachers are forced to go to very poor areas of the city in state schools that are disorganized and chaotic. Benedict School is a family-run school, but managed with lack of resources and lack of professionalism. This is because the ageing owner has brought in her stupid daughter into the business as a director. Her name is Elsa Carmen Leone and she is an unprofessional woman and quite rude. She has no real interest in teaching because it is the family business and she is born into it. She is not qualified as a teacher but works as a director for her stupid mother. She just gives orders to teachers and is very unfriendly. On many occasions she has taken money from the school account to enjoy herself and go out drinking. She only cares about the money and spending it to get drunk and enjoy herself. Elsa is a savage little slut who likes to insult and criticize other people. But it is OK because she is drunk and she is also the daughter of the stupid owner of this school. She tries to flirt with male teachers so that they buy her drinks. She is desperately looking for a good guy to treat her right, but it is so hard for her because she is ugly and not so charming as she thinks. She needs a lot of make-up just to look a bit normal. Elsa needs to realize that she is rather ugly and needs to stop being crude!! She wants to be queen of English, and yet she needs to learn the language right. She is a manager, but she needs to know about teaching. She flirts with men who are out of her league, as she is crude and ugly. The only time she is nice and pleasant is when she wants something from you, and you are definitely in her social circles if you suck up to her. But Elsa is a degenerate woman and she normally behaves like a common whore. She offers herself as a prostitute to men so that she can get money and free drinks. Elsa has offered herself as a prostitute to some male teachers at the school. Her stupid mother forces her to be a prostitute to some male teachers so that they are happy and stay at the school. The school working environment is so poor and pathetic that so many young male teachers wanted to leave…. So, they were offered sex with Elsa at a special discounted price. It is a special loyalty scheme and “staff retention policy” which the ageing owner has set up.


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