Benco Has Material for Aircraft Strippers
Many large corporations employ the use of aircraft to keep their businesses running smoothly. Of course, in the case of an airline, the planes themselves make up the lifeblood of the company. Maintenance and upkeep of these expensive assets are of extreme importance. One of the key aspects in maintaining these airliners is making sure they are clean and freshly painted regularly.
Since jets are used more frequently than airplanes, they are painted more often. In general, most airplanes are built professionally by large corporations. Types of airplanes include tricycle gears, light sport aircrafts, multiengine pistons or turboprops. Unlike jets, planes need a thinner stripper to get to the surface of the metal. The type of stripper required depends greatly on how many layers of paint are on the plane and the age of the aircraft.
As stated earlier, airplanes are not flown as often as a jet. They are more experimental and do not require a new paint job so often because they are used less frequently. Aircrafts fall into the class of amphibians, helicopters, tiltrotors, and/or seaplanes, biplanes, gliders, gyroplanes, kitbuilts, homebuilts or airships (blimps & dirigibles). These are more of a type of exotic machinery and not found often at airports. Painting of old metal can be difficult and at times requires various types of thinner, remover and strippers. Determining factors are the age of the paint, whether the interior is made of metal or wood and other miscellaneous items.
There is always the chance of paint thinners or strippers harming the interior of the plane, so the work must be done carefully. Stripping off aircraft paint is not an exact science and requires the best quality materials available to do the job correctly.
This is when contacting an expert and experienced company such as Benco Sales can be extremely beneficial. They have the knowledge and understand the entire process of stripping airplanes. And as always, feel confident knowing that Benco makes your safety a top priority.
For any questions regarding the best chemicals and materials to use for airplane or jet stripping, call Benco Sales at 800-632-3626 or visit their website for more information.