The BENCH: What or who, is your foundation
As you all know and the BENCH reminds me each and everyday,you are always dependent on a solid foundation in what you do in life and in your career. I told you about my parents understanding what I love and that they knew when they bought me "THE BENCH" what my passion was and thus they bought the best, the bench that had a foundation to handle my passion, who I am.
Think about what I am saying here, to support and handle who you are and what you are passionate about. That is a huge reminder everyday when I work out. THE BENCH, when I was in my early days, I would walk into my workout room and the BENCH was there and the weights actually bowed the bar, yet when I laid under the weight , I never worried could the BENCH support me and the weight, I TRUSTED THE FOUNDATION OF THE BENCH.
What is your FOUNDATION, the BENCH reminds me each day of this. My wife is a forever supporter of my good days, my bad days, my crazy up/down career moves but always there no matter what. My family cheers for me, is proud of me as I do what I do.
The BENCH reminds me too of what others either support me or do not. THE BENCH is always there supporting after 40 years of use good or bad days always there after Thousands of reps, but what about "friends" who is there as your foundation when bad times set in? Look around, friends are easy when it is drinks or fun trips, but what about when you are down? Who comes and makes you first? Who cares about you when you are down and out? Those are the real foundation. I know here when I look at those that follow me or read my newsletter, Mike Alterio is there, Mike has been my friend since high school through good or bad, I can call him today, he would be there. Tom Magnifico a dear friend since college and the same he cheers for me and is always there and I know if I had no one he would stand by me.
You learn in life and in a career, who and what matters and you will only be as great as your foundation. THE BENCH only has 4 supports, so it reminds me I do not need dozens of fans or dozens of supporters, but I do need 4 always there never giving up supporters as my FOUNDATION. Your lesson for today, write down your 4 , who will never let you down, never NOT be there, 4 people that wake up thinking about you, care about you and support you at your worst times and help you when no one else even thinks of you. If you have 4 that is all you need but be honest with yourself, are they true support and foundation to you.