THE BENCH: What do you want to last forever?
In my career, I coined this phrase very early on and THE BENCH, daily forces me to remind myself what matters. I challenge you today, STOP and ask yourself this hard question. I mean it, look at your entire life, home, career, family, and friends and if you had to choose and this is an exercise that most will never do, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO LAST FOREVER IF IT COULD?
I say this because one just never knows about tomorrow. We invest so much time running from meeting to meeting, the adrenaline RUSH of making a big decision, or going to another big deal, I hear lawyer friends talk non-stop about the case they won or the deal they closed, when I ask how long and how many hours they look at me and say, I "LIVED IN THE OFFICE FOR MONTHS" But wow what a huge bonus I am getting at this closing? Or how about the daily grind of just standing there doing the same thing over and over and over. Are you doing it for the love of the work, for the paycheck to care for a loved one, or because you never stepped back and said what else could I do if I tried and that would be a better "last forever" outcome?
What do you want to last forever is somewhat a age related item but perhaps not. We see as we age, we miss out on some people, and some family, we ruin marriages, we ruin relationships with our children because we were so invested in "DOING" versus thinking about what we want to last forever.
Life is all about tough choices, but most of us do not take the time to think past today and eventually just end up doing it. I challenge you to stop, just for one day, and look around, is this really what you want to last forever? Is this what 20 years from now you want to be doing or say you did?
I have said THE BENCH is about staying healthy, being active, and having the energy and stamina to be a truly active husband, father, grandfather, and partner in all I do. I made a hard life long decision that no matter what, I was going to do this for the real outcome I wanted to last forever, to be there, and as I tell everyone to not just be able to move my older kids into college, which I did lug box after box, but 20 years later did the same thing again with our youngest and with the same energy and excitement as with the oldest, those are memories I need and my children need and I will work hard to be able to move her into her first home and my grandson into college as that is what I want to have last forever, being there, and being part of the memories that count.
What you do now today, makes a difference, but how you invest your life is an investment in what YOU WANT TO LAST FOREVER> What is it?