Millennium Signatures Marking Systems Inc., of Buffalo NY USA ???? and Burlington ON Canada are the Head Sales and Technical Support operations for the Marksman Series Computerized Dot Peen Marking Systems throughout Canada, The United States and Mexico. We maintain a huge inventory of all three system configurations including our Bench Top, Hand-Held Portable and Compact Universal Mount (Integrator Series) Marking Heads and Mini-Controllers. We have a large inventory of all replacement parts and a great temporary swap out program for this situations when being down is NOT an option!
Dot Peen Marking or Pin Marking as it's often referred to is one of the most common, versatile and cost effective methods of marking in today's manufacturing world. Highly effective on most Metal and Plastic components, Marksman's Dot Peen Technology offers incredibly good cost of ownership over almost any other Marking Technology. The robust Tungsten Carbide Stylii that are available last and last without need for sharpening or replacement often times for many years. These systems will take computer keyboard entry or Barcode Scanner input and allow you to easily create layouts consisting of alfa-numeric text, graphics and 2D codes and permanently and professionally put them onto your parts at high speeds and with great repeatability and reliability.
Average marking depths on metal components is 0.004" to 0.008" but this can be controlled and varies from material to material. All of our systems are stand-alone meaning you do not require a PC on hand to operate, but they also come with a complimentary linking software that allows full control of the market through a PC if desired.
Additional features include: Read/Write Removable SD Card, Serial Port for RS-232 Communication, USB Port for Flash Drive, 999 Layout internal memory, 2D Code Generator, Graphics Generation Software, Ethernet Port Communication
If you need to mark your parts and you want to do it right the first time, you need Marksman by Millennium Signatures Marking Systems Inc. Contact our Technical Sales Team:
T: (905) 639-0909
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