Have you ever just wanted to be away from everything? Are the days, when you really are honest with yourself, just a "groundhog" day? You get up, you do the normal daily routine, you may well go to work, or go to help a group out and suddenly it is 3 months later, you sit and ask yourself where did the time go? But if really honest with yourself what has changed what has happened in your life past the daily "Groundhog" day events?
The BENCH does in fact help me often sit and just ask myself , is it worth it? The day after day routine and in some cases, YES, the answer as we have discussed is when you have self-discipline to do something, the 1% rule kicks in and yes you do in fact get better and do in fact end up better than 95% of those around you, BUT there is also a thing in weight lifting known, for lack of a better term, GETTING STALE.
This is when you just make no gains, in fact you find yourself even going backward. This is the downside of not challenging yourself, just doing the same over and over and never asking why. Or perhaps trying something new. Make your brain and your body BUT ALSO YOUR passion and energy get a jolt.
You need the QUIET time to ask yourself, WHAT IS HOLDING ME BACK? What is it I am tired of? Why am I not pushing myself to the next level? Why am I just settling for this? Getting comfortable is the scariest place to ever be.
But in all honesty, most people like comfortable, a LEADER can not do this, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is key. Change in yourself and in what you do comes from getting uncomfortable, failing, leaving "friends" behind, getting out experiencing new ideas, new people. Doing something you feel is out of your comfort zone?
So I challenge you to take 10 minutes each day and go someplace to sit and just reflect, sit and ask yourself WHY? WHO? WHAT? is making me feel good and what is making me feel NOTHING!
You will end up surprising yourself.