So perhaps this is not what you expected when reading the BENCH. Joy, is a word that many might think relates to some fun activity, some "party" time or just relaxing in a pool or on a vacation.
So how does JOY, tie to LEADERSHIP and to the BENCH? JOY can come from another source and that source is the deeper understanding of what it means when you see , literally see the impact you have on others. This can be from teaching someone how to do a sport or improve on a technique that helps them gain a skill or improve a skill. This can come from seeing the evolution of a team in a business where at first they need you to tell them what to do but suddenly they are doing it and doing it better without you.
JOY is a FEELING, I get JOY from my workouts, that feeling of satisfaction, feeling of accomplishment and it wakes you up, it makes you want to feel it over and over. This same JOY comes from helping others learn, grow and do better. This JOY become such a bigger and more critical role over time as you understand where your own satisfaction can come from . You being as the leader, and the sense of what that is and does, but the real evolution, the real success comes from changing and finding the JOY in watching others take your teaching, your mentoring and do better, become better and even lead new organizations to success based on what you were able to teach them.
Know that leadership and the JOY can come from not always being the doer but eventually becoming the teacher and the mentor for others.