Well, yes, it is true I hate it. The daily grind means you must ultimately face some reality. THE BENCH, reminds me that some days , yes you hate it,you truly want to just roll over, cover your head with the blanket and hope tomorrow is better. Unfortunately, guess what this is what so many actually do and the next day something else hits and you roll over again, and again and suddenly you just make this the norm.
Yes, some days I hate it, but it is knowing that when you have the self discipline, the mental "MUSCLE PUMP/BURN" you will succeed in life and in anything you set out to do.
Success comes from doing the things that are not always fun, not easy and most certainly there are days when you wake up and think, you hate what you have to do, BUT those that succeed in anything go do it. They fight past the thoughts, the exhaustion, the pain, the nah Sayer's and they succeed.
Winning and succeeding is all about being willing to do those things that at some moment in life, you want to say no, but winning is knowing if you overcome that feeling, overcome the thoughts that want to have you NOT act, is building the mental toughness to succeed. It is OK to "hate it" sometimes what matters is what you do about it, never let outside forces or feelings keep you from the bigger goal the winning side that comes to those tough enough to not give in, tough enough to do things when your mind or your body say, not today! THAT IS THE MOMENT YOU DO IT!
WINNING is a mindset, so is losing, so you become what you think so hate it for a moment than go do it, be the winner!