Everything in life is about building a foundation. The BENCH reminds me daily that the reason, after all these years ,I can still go use the BENCH and work out daily, is the foundation I built 40 plus years ago.
Many people do not ever understand what this means. When I was young, yes being truly stronger than anyone else, benching more, curling more whatever that exercise was , well honestly it was all about just being bigger or stronger than others. But, as the years went by, the age issues creep up, the joints and the aches and pains land and the focus shifts to being healthy and active, the smart person realizes it is about doing each exercise right, tweaking the one's you do sloppy or cheat on and just doing them for healthy consistent living.
Do you think this is any different than your own life? Do you think this is any different than leading a role in a company or a group? It is not. The smart person realizes, in your marriage as time goes on you need to keep working at it, build a foundation that allows for daily joy and contentment, enjoy being with each other, being able to celebrate time together. In a career, looking in the mirror and understanding the need to do better, be better and working at it. THE BENCH teaches me you need to evolve and change not give up or assume arrogance, well I will always be able to do this until you get hurt and suddenly you can not and because there is no FOUNDATION, NO STRUCTURE, NO PROCESS. Things all fall apart.
Life is about being able to recognize who you are and what you are. Understanding your own personal weaknesses and your passions and strengths. When you are honest, when you really want to be better and do better over time, USE THE BENCH to have the courage to change.
If you do not, one thing I can tell you, you will look back and once you miss it, you miss it forever. I can never again be the 20 year old, I wish I knew at age 20 what I know now, but I am glad I have been wise enough to look in the mirror, look at the BENCH and change, a work in progress but in the end, I have the FOUNDATION for what matters, do you?