THE BENCH: Back to basics
So here we are again. The BENCH will always make me and the idea of what it is, just pure SHOW UP and no matter what DO IT! This is how you become successful, no matter what the job, the task, or the goal. SHOW UP and work at it each and every day. I watch people all the time who are truly brilliant, they have the skills or in some cases not so much the skills but the money or family funding yet they just fail over and over again. Why do you think this is?
THE BENCH has a hard lesson here, SELF DISCIPLINE is what it takes, you have a meeting, and you show up 15 minutes early. SELF DISCIPLINE. Do you have an idea and need to flesh it out? You need to get others to talk to, help you, challenge you, this means you have to actually sit down and call, text and email people. Get turned down 99 times but eventually, you get input and the idea is so much better. DISCIPLINE, the basis of all success is this.
In a football team, when a coach sees sloppy and losing games, guess what they do, GO BACK TO BASICS. We BLOCK right, WE TACKLE RIGHT, WE CATCH the ball right. Over and over and over again.
I tore my rotator cuff in my left shoulder 1 year ago, I knew when it happened, I knew what would be the outcome, my pressing with my dumbbells was impacted by the inability to rotate my arm a certain way. SO WHAT DID I DO? BACK TO BASICS. I started the torture of doing push-ups. This helps build up all the muscles, the daily shoulder stretches to keep the shoulder from freezing up, day after day over and over again. BASICS, SELF DISCIPLINE, and now back up to 70 lb. dumbbell presses again but a year of hard, hard work.
Folks, wish it was a much more sophisticated answer here but in the end, you want to succeed, without someone handing it to you and that happens, it is all about hard daily work, doing the things that are no fun, not exciting and often what you do not want to do but know you have to, back to basics.
SELF DISCIPLINE! beats out everything, 1% better each month wins.