THE BENCH: The 4 F's we need and why
The BENCH has 4 legs so to speak, a chair often has 4 legs for balance and for strength. A table has 4 legs in many cases, and I can go on and on, 4 wheels on the car and a building often is a square with 4 corners. This is because the math shows that 4 points of balance allow for the structure to hold more and to support more with this type of base.
Now let's look at life and I will challenge you to do this, go buy a cheap 4 legged stool, I mean the cheapest one you can find. Now label the legs on the stool. FAITH, FAMILY, FINANCE,FITNESS.
Ok, now look at your life, is each "leg" equal?
FAITH, you need that portion of your life for many reasons, this is not just, I go to church each week-end, I mean true deep faith.
FINANCE: Are you comfortable, can you live a normal life style, food on the table clothes on your back and roof over your head, not 10 cars and $4 million dollar homes but a balanced financial situation?
FITNESS: are you healthy? Can you walk up 5 flights of steps , can you do 20 sit up or push ups, can you put your grandchild on your shoulders, fitness for basic life not a marathon runner of a CROSS FIT champion just normal healthy living?
FAMILY: Are you connected with your spouse, are you taking on the day to day challenges in life as a team, are you still doing date nights, are you "listening" to each other and to your children? Are you still just excited to see your spouse and your children?
Now if any of these is off cut 3 inches of the leg or legs that are off on the stool.
WHAT HAPPENS? The stool falls over, you can not sit on the stool without falling, each time in life when you allow this imbalance the reality you fall and once you fall you can not get back on the stool till you fix the legs and make them even again.
Look hard at your life, each time you move your life think about the STOOL, the BALANCE.
President at Golden Rule Partners LLC
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