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Ben Lawrence
The Body Pain Coach | Guiding Deskbound Dads to Live Great, Pain-Free Lives with Easy Fat Loss and Pain Banishing Strategies using my DR5 Coaching System??
These are a client’s words during our latest coaching call
> He was talking about the tracking we've been doing around what goes in his chops
It's a skill by the way, and takes time to learn and practise...
And we were talking about yoghurt of all things, plus what a portion size looks like according to the food label
His guess, based on eye judgement and what “felt” was a portion, was 3 times the size of what was enough
** And if we weren't doing what we're doing, he would never have known **
He would have continued to think that natural yoghurt was a better choice and that he was doing absolutely the right thing
After all, "I eat healthily" means you should have the physique you want, right?!?
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Another crew member of mine is struggling to consistently track what’s going in their machine
During the week is fine (Monday to Thursday) but then things go a bit AWOL from Friday...
Sound familiar?
But here’s the thing...
That's cool
And perfectly normal for someone trying to get a handle on their health and fitness once and for all
Why is it normal and ok?
Because we all struggle with facing the reality of our situation
The self-talk which stops you from reaching (and maintaining) your energy, motivation, image, positive mindset goals
The hope of starting something new, only to fall off the wagon a few weeks in
The self-sabotage
The guys who have tried and tried and tried to achieve something in this area but failed. Time and time again
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And if you’re honest with yourself, these things you struggle with aren't simply solved with an off the shelf "cookie cutter" programme for £30
These things are mindset and behaviour change issues like limiting beliefs, self-image, self-esteem, self-responsibility, self-acceptance....
(feel free to create your own struggle by putting "self" in front of it)
So in its simplest form, surely you should meet a mindset / behaviour change issue with a mindset / behaviour change solution...
Am I right?
I think so. But I’m biased
Although I know my coaching crew think that way too
>> But what do you think?
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Maybe you don't think
Maybe you just carry on surviving, day after day, week after week
Rather than slipping into a new gear, a new hope, a new way towards thriving
Turning your life around with a proven approach and the support of someone who has been there and done it
(but is still, and always will be, a work in progress)
So good luck with your latest health and fitness push as the summer rolls closer
>> I really do wish you the best and that wholeheartedly comes from a place of love <<
In the meantime, we'll keep quietly working over here, making change happen
Step by step
Person by person
Struggle by struggle
On your side,
#MentalHealth #Purpose #Mission #BehaviourChange #OnlineCoaching #Mindset #Training #NutritionCoach#StressManagement #Sleep #Professionals #Dads #Wandsworth #Battersea