BEMBEL CHARITY by Kelterei Kr?mer - Review 2022

BEMBEL CHARITY by Kelterei Kr?mer - Review 2022

Kelterei Kr?mer, the producer of BEMBEL-WITH-CARE, organized various great charity actions with its partners throughout the year as part of the BEMBEL-CHARITY. Of course we have supported these actions. The entire proceeds go in equal parts to the Summerfield Kids Foundation and the organization Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e. V. .

The inspiration for the BEMBEL-CHARITY action was the song "Bembelmen" by the Odenwald music duo Bergstreet Boys. The Kelterei-Kr?mer is "godfather" of the song and video. All download revenues have been donated to the above-mentioned aid organizations since their release in 2021.?

The BEMBEL-CHARITY campaign 2022 started in February together with our brand ambassador Timo Glock. Our community and Timo Glock fans had the opportunity to bid for different racing clothes: a racing suit from F1 and DTM times, a racing suit in Bembel design and a package consisting of racing gloves, shoes and shirt.

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BEMBEL-CHARITY event with Timo Glock

In March, our charity action continued with our brand ambassador Matthias Distel aka Ikke Hüftgold. Our community auctioned for three exclusive, non-buyable black tracksuits with Ikke signature, Ikke imprint, BEMBEL-WITH-CARE imprint, Ikke wig and additionally a tray of Bembel Apfelwein of their choice.

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BEMBEL-CHARITY event with Ikke Hüftgold

The BEMBEL-WITH-CARE mascot "Karl-Heinz Bembel" was raffled for a good cause. Originally an auction was planned. But to give the whole BEMBEL-WITH-CARE community the chance to win the mascot, a raffle was organized. In the context of this, BEMBEL-WITH-CARE donated 500 € to the aid organizations Summerfield Kids Foundation and Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e.V..

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BEMBEL-CHARITY event with BEMBEL-WITH-CARE mascot 'Karl-Heinz Bembel'

Under the motto "Headbanging for a good cause", 2 tickets for the sold-out WOA Festival 2022 were auctioned in May. The highest bidder was additionally invited on site at the festival in the Bembelzone for Apfelwein for free.

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BEMBEL-CHARITY event - WOA 2022 Tickets

At the charity event in June, a cab ride around the Nürburgring in a Mercedes AMG with racing driver Patrick Assenheimer was auctioned off.

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BEMBEL-CHARITY with Patrick Assenheimer

The next BEMBEL-CHARITY campaign started in October. For the auction Max Hopp donated his worn World of Cup Darts jersey - signed by him and by Phil Taylor, darts legend and 16-time world champion. As with many other campaigns, there was an additional tray of Bembel Apfelwein for the highest bidder.

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The last auction started in November. Finally, there was a real highlight: A Porsche tractor 329S from 1962. The tractor was donated for the good cause by Dieter Schwinn, father of the CEO of BEMBEL-WITH-CARE, from his private collection. The tractor is in top condition and what makes it even more special: The tractor was signed by numerous celebrities during a charity soccer match.

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BEMBEL-CHARITY with Dieter Schwinn, father of the CEO of BEMBEL-WITH-CARE

With the BEMBEL-CHARITY campaigns, Kelterei Kr?mer and BEMBEL-WITH-CARE supports two great charities:

The Summerfield Kids Foundation has made it its main task to support children and young people from socially disadvantaged families in every way possible. They offer children protection, material help and attention. The organization also focuses on improving equal opportunities, creating recreational opportunities suitable for children and helping them to help themselves.

The aid organization Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e. V. is committed to helping children suffering from cancer. With their three-pillar approach consisting of helping, healing and researching, they pursue one goal: to defeat cancer in children. Together with Frankfurt University Hospital, they care for children with cancer and their families. They improve living conditions, support medical care and enable even more research.

BEMBEL-WITH-CARE and Kelterei Kr?mer would like to thank all partners who have actively supported the BEMBEL-CHARITY campaigns.



