Beloved Poetic Thoughts
Love is a beautiful thing. It conquers all, and it is the greatest of them all. True love that is. However many people try to find it; but it is not just romantic love that can be true love. You can find this love from a mother, a father, a friend, or anyone who has shown you the utmost care and love that looks like the following:
+ Patience
+ Kindness
+ Non-demanding
+ Selfless consideration
+ Rejoicing in Truth
+ Enduring love
+ Faithful love
+ Hopeful love
This is not only love, but this is agape. Goodwill, benevolence, and willful delight in the object of love is the highest form of love. Is it the source? Well, it's from God, of course. Any love on earth will not be perfect, for we are flawed. Have you ever had a sibling, and you've been around each other too long? Or even a spouse with whom you exchanged vows, but now you can't stand them? What about your daughter/son who went through the beautiful enculturation phase but now talks back a little too much? It's never perfect, but emulating the love our Father gives makes it so much easier to love. When our cup is complete and full, pouring the overflow into someone else's is easy. (So that you know, please tell Smoothie King to put your leftovers in a kid's cup. I just put you on the game!). The point is........ the trustworthy source of love comes from our Father up above. When he truly fills us wholeheartedly, it radiates out of us. Sometimes we look for love outside of ourselves when it is the inner core of who we are. We must seek that inner love to align with others around us properly. I encourage you today to pursue that love. Seek the highest form of it, so you are never disappointed if others are not expressing it "the way you would like them to."
Agape love will have you so fulfilled that you'll see the strides people make outside of their busy lives to show you that they do love you. I love you, but God loves you more. Be great today!
Beloved Poetic Thoughts, 7.24.23 @ 12:12 PM