Believing in You…
If faith can move mountains and belief can shape nations, what would your life be like if you truly believed in your ability to achieve all your dreams, goals and ambitions? It’s an intriguing question because so much of our perception is shaped and filtered by what we’ve been conditioned to believe. Take a familiar scenario where you’re facing an uphill struggle and wondering if you can find the will to overcome the barriers and obstacles that block your progress. This is where self-belief can provide the raw fuel to power your efforts and boost your determination to keep going in the face of stubborn opposition.
Yet the greatest obstacle to personal success, to greater happiness and fulfilment is the lingering belief that you’re not worthy of the life you dream of creating for yourself. It’s called self-sabotage and represents the way that the power of our beliefs can be harnessed for our benefit? - or for our detriment. It’s the same energy. It’s simply a question of how we use it. Belief filters the vast amounts of data that flow around us, attaching our attention to whatever conforms to our view of what we assume is real. When we harbour doubts about our worthiness to achieve anything worthwhile, whether in the realm of our personal or our professional lives, we will be willing to accept any defeat, disappointment or setback as evidence that supports our self-doubt. When we learn to believe that we are fully capable and deserving of our dreams, we will feel inspired and unstoppable.
It's time to start kindling the fires of passion in our hearts. To smile in the face of setbacks because we know that we cannot be stopped. To trust ourselves and to believe in the worthiness of our ambitions. To know that we are fully deserving of happiness, success and the achievement of whatever we set out to accomplish. To open our hearts to love, to joy, to fulfilment. Then, every day will be a celebration of our true potential and our lives will feel so much more worthwhile.