Believe In Yourself Newsletter #5
Sylvester Massey
Writer | Editor | Storyboard Artist | Certified Personal Trainer | Coach | Youtube - Shortfilms
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I’m not against Artificial Intelligence entirely as long as it’s helping people but I’m against BAD people and I’m against plagiarism.
Writer - Sylvester Massey
If you are an AI Artist or in the AI community, please make sure to read the entire article. I wrote this especially for you because I know you have a good heart and positive intentions. Being an artist it’s obvious I hate AI art because it’s taking jobs away, replacing jobs or it might take my job away in the future at any point in my life. I’m sure we know someone in our circle who lost their job because AI is taking jobs away from people and Friends we know in the art, animation, film, music, or other important industries, that’s when we realize how serious this is and we need to speak up before it's too late. It’s hurting them financially. I, myself I’m not able to find jobs in the Art industry.
(imagine you study and work hard, get financial support from your hardworking struggling parents just so you can turn around and tell them) “sorry I’m disappointing you and not able to make you proud, you trusted me and I worked hard and now AI is replacing our jobs”
but if you are in the AI community and if you have HEART or have any HEART left and you care about people, then show it! I am aware there are some good people out there who want to do good in the community using AI, why doesn’t AI community start by making more positive decisions like protecting our society, and not taking jobs away. STOP Scamming people using AI. Of course, things will not change overnight, and bad people will do bad but GOOD shouldn’t give up, people like us with GOOD intentions should continue to fight the BAD, should continue to fight EVIL mindset, should continue to LIGHT-UP even more and brighter than ever, and fight their dark agendas.
I’m just asking the GOOD people in the AI community to do GOOD for the community, for the society, for the WORLD, for a better FUTURE, for your own kids, and families, and STOP ruining families by scamming people or by taking jobs away.
You are better than what your bad leaders want you to do. You have the knowledge, skills, and power to win the world by doing more POSITIVE AND GOOD. The world will remember you by how you made them feel.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou
I’m not against Artificial Intelligence as long as its helping people, society, and the world. I’m against plagiarism. I’m not against GOOD people using AI for GOOD but I’m against BAD people using AI to do BAD and misusing it and listening to their bad leaders with wrong agendas.
Thank you for reading. I believe in you that you will do GOOD even when no one is watching. Integrity is how you earn respect from people around you and the world. Good luck on your journey. We are counting on you to make this world a safer, more positive, and better place.
Maybe The Mindset & Desire to Become Famous Changes Over Time
My Life Story So Far and How Struggles Taught Me Valuable Lessons
Writer - Sylvester Massey
Why do I publish these articles about these topics? because I have been through these struggles we artists face in the art community. I’m 32 y/o who had to go through Unconventional art training when I was in Community College. I and my parents couldn’t afford art schools, I had to go through a lot of self-training, did my own thing during art club meetings and then later I chose to take online animation courses, which led me to an opportunity to work as a storyboard / visual development artist for a short film through CTN (Creative Talent Network) which was a great learning experience. I was really happy to see my name in the credits. The short film is called “Cowabunga”) but I never got to break into the animation industry as a professional properly. I am still patiently waiting for an opportunity and improving my skills every day.
So of course I have been through some struggles, and family arguments, trying my best to prove to my parents that the path I have chosen is for the best for me. And I believe in Art. It’s just a slow and a tough journey. I had to explain a lot of things as they didn’t know much about animation and plus they are Indian (Asian) Parents lol so there is that, the difficulty level is really high when it comes to explaining Indian parents lol, I guess its culture, they are overprotective but also loving and caring. I have high respect for them, I love my parents, but the journey is rough, and I keep failing to show my parents what my vision is, but I’m trying.
These struggles, countless number of rejection letters, and financial problems taught me that I don’t have to depend on any BIG companies, I can just start making my own projects, my own short films. It is a normal and constant struggle for an artist, a constant war and battle within our mind, it shapes us, molds us, and strengthens our character as an artist and as a human being. I never thought I would start writing along my art journey, but these struggles and fights turned me into a writer. I started Journaling and started to figure out that it’s not necessary for what works for other people will work for me, I need to figure out my own process, my own goals, desires, create my own path, and write my own journey.
I’m not a top-notch famous artist nor do I desire to be one honestly, some people will find that hard to believe but that’s ok because you don’t know me or my entire life journey so far. I’m not disrespecting any famous artist, I just want to be part of great projects and work with amazing, good positive human beings. I’m just on social media for job purposes and reach out to those who need help either through my thoughts, art, or simple uplifting comments. I honestly do not care about Likes, follows, shares, and this whole social media algorithm game because everything I say I just want to make sense to at least one individual who genuinely needs this information or wants to hear this.
Maybe the mindset & desire to become famous change as you grow older and older (lol I’m not old but I’m not 21 either, it's a weird age) but this is how I like to make an impact on this earth. By helping one human being at a time. I don’t know what it is but it’s just my internal desire and need which I always had within me (I like to keep everything real and grounded, I just want to be a simple human being uplifting other human beings through my thoughts and art, but that’s my story. You need to figure out yours. If you want to be popular and famous then ask yourself why, really dive deep, and get to know yourself better. It's not wrong to have that desire but ask why and what would you get out of becoming famous and popular. It's your story and you get to create your own path.
How I like to see my art journey is a story of someone who loves art and is trying to find his potential by exploring, experimenting, trying new things, working with a great team of like-minded people, and doing things that I am passionate about. I have many different interests, but Art will always be my first love, and I will never stop creating. Art heals my heart & fuels my soul. Helping and uplifting others along the way gives me peace and hope for a better future. Life is about helping, passing on knowledge, and helping each other become better.
“Believe In Yourself” (This is something I always repeat to myself and others because my life journey so far, the majority of which was self-doubt taught me that lesson and that became my mantra for life which always reminds me to not give up and keep going, keep improving no matter how small the improvement might be. The ups and downs in your life are just your story beats of your Life and as an Artist, you can get inspiration even from all the bad days (sometimes blessings are disguised as bad days, we just need to change our perception) and turn that into a story or an illustration idea, or a short film, or your masterpiece painting, you got this. When life gives you lemons, make a tasty lemonade)
I created Fan Art inspired by the Movie called “After”
This is why I created the Fan Art
Writer - Sylvester Massey
My Thought for Today:
The difference between art and reality — Isn’t it amazing that the world and people have no lines or any specific style, it’s just the way it is naturally, we all see the same but in our own way. We all have different perceptions of reality, and it’s beautiful how each artist interprets it in their own special way to communicate their feelings, beliefs, emotions, and experiences.
About the Movie - “After”
Synopsis: A young woman falls for a guy with a dark secret and the two embark on a rocky relationship. Based on the novel by Anna Todd.
Artwork — Fan art
Music — “Us” by James Bay
Fan Art Context:
I am currently working on a bunch of different personal projects (Which are different genres) and two of them are love stories. I love love stories and how two strangers meet and become one, or maybe they lose someone. Brainstorming different ideas currently and writing a screenplay (its a work in progress) it’s going to be a sad love story so for my research I love watching different love stories. I did this fan art because I loved the different beats of this story, the characters stood out to me and Part 1 was the best, the others were ok not as good as Part 1 (in my opinion) I have not read the books yet, maybe I will one day. Also, I absolutely love the music, I play it in the background sometimes when I am in the zone and drawing. This music composition and lyrics are so good.
I don’t get paid for this video that I shared, I got permission from James Bay through YouTube to use it along with my art / animation.
This was an experimental project and I thought “Let me try creating a 1 hour loop to celebrate this fan art with James Bay’s amazing song” so I can play in the background for myself and whoever needs it. I’m sure there are people like me who love this song, love the movie, sucker for love stories and love this vibe. Hope you like this and feel free to play it in the background while you are working on your projects, art, or whatever you want to play it with, or just simply play it, and relax your mind. I usually play music like this while I’m journaling, or just want to relax my mind after or while working on my projects, writing, sketching, or studying for hours.
10 Things That Can Shape or Shatter Your Life. Don’t Forget to Build Discipline, Character, and Self-Respect.
I hope this short article helps you rethink your life.
Writer - Sylvester Massey
There is no right or wrong way of living until you figure out that certain decisions you make in your life go against your goals and your vision. Your choices, decisions, and your ways simply just define you who you are as a person and how you build your character/personality in this life.
I personally remind myself before making any decision, even when no one is watching that I have to do the right thing. “Integrity” is my favorite word and I try to remind myself no matter how small of a decision I have to make.
I have love for people, what matters to me the most is if a human being is respectful, kind, and not hurting anyone, not harming anyone, not taking anyone’s job away, if a human being is genuinely a good person I have respect for them in return.
1) Steroids — Just because they are available and usable, doesn’t mean you have to use it. (Alot can be accomplished naturally by the way with the help of hard work, knowledge, trial and error, and pushing beyond your limits.) Ask yourself what defines WINNING or A WINNER? Does it mean to lead by example, become people’s CHAMP, or simply stand on stage with a gold medal, it depends on your own perception, perspective, and how the meaning of all of this fits in your narrative of your life.
2) Artificial Intelligence (A.I) — Its existence and usability doesn’t mean you have to use it in your process. Figure out your ways — what makes you happy to get the desired result that you want for your project or artwork or your team? Hopefully, you are not taking someone’s job away for your temporary happiness with long-term pain for someone else. (remember the 3 C’s — Consent, Credit, and Compensation when using A.I in your process)
3) Social Media — Its ubiquity and functionality don’t require your participation, ask yourself does it make you productive, does it help you with your process, does it help you network with new people, does it help you stay educated, does it help you find jobs, does it distract you too much. Maybe figure out how much you want to use social media and set a time limit. (the more you scroll the more you will absolutely find distractions if that is what you want, maybe after a while stop scrolling and get back to your high-priority task)
4) Alcohol — Just because it’s legal and consumable, doesn’t mean you need to consume it. Maybe drink in moderation, it doesn’t make you an evil person but just ask yourself does consuming it help you reach your goals? Know what’s going in your body, you only have one. Cars are very similar to our body. Would you fill up the gas tank with the wrong fuel for it to perform at its best? I’m sure you will think about what is optimal for your car. The same thing goes for your body. You would take good care of your car but not your body? Maybe you need to rethink about that.
5) Fast Food — Its availability and ease to drive through and buy it doesn’t mean you have to make that decision.
6) Credit Cards — Their Accessibility and benefits don’t compel you to own one. Credit Cards have lots of benefits if you really understand it well and know how to manage money. Start with managing your money well first.
7) Gambling — Just because it’s possible and thrilling, doesn’t mean you have to engage in it. (Just make sure the money is in your control and not the other way around)
8) Reality TV — Its prevalence and entertainment value don’t necessitate your viewership. You can either learn a lot or end up procrastinating. Set a time limit. Binge-watching can be fun but if there is high high-priority task waiting for you then setting up a time limit would be a good idea.
9) Tobacco — Just because it’s legal and purchasable, doesn’t mean you need to use it. Once again ask yourself, are you doing this for fun or long-term health goals? Find your motivation and purpose and figure out your long-term goals and how is this going to help you get there.
10) Online Shopping — Its ease and variety don’t dictate your purchasing habits. If you are struggling financially then maybe, it’s a good time to control your spending.
Thank you for reading. I hope I added some value to your life today. If you want to read more of my longer articles and want to read my thoughts, you can read them here.
Just wanted to give you a heads up — everything you read after this is Self-Promotion, So I can make a living as a writer (which is my goal, I’m not there yet) and I want to continue to publish more quality articles in the future with more time in hand, so I can do more research, write a lot more and publish Quality Articles.
It is my goal, to be able to share knowledge, share my curiosity, share thought-provoking ideas, and give my contribution as a writer and artist to do my part in making a better society, knowledgeable, kind people, and a better world.
By the way, I recently started 4 new publications “Believe Ink”, Believe in Yourself Publication, BelieveFIT, and Believe in Art Publication. Check it out. Hope you like it; your support is very much appreciated!
We educate, motivate, inspire, and encourage people to become the best version of themselves.
WRITE — Believe Ink Publication
“Believe ink” guides writers to self-belief and mastery. Writing, a seed in self-belief soil, grows daily into a world-changing communication tree. Our publication nurtures this seed, helping you overcome self-doubt and improve. Join us, grow your writing, and change the world for the better.
BODY — BelieveFIT Publication
BelieveFit Publication is for anyone who is curious about fitness, nutrition, getting your mindset right to transform yourself into the best version of YOU, and dive deeper into the science of how the human body works and performs. To become your best self, you have to BelieveFIT.
Believe in Art is an online publication for artists. Learn about art, art history, and human potential. Enjoy art in all forms, from movies to video game reviews appreciating art. Whatever your mind can conceive and believe you can make it come to life, but you have to Believe.
Round Pinback button that I created as a daily self-reminder — Here is the link
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Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Visual Developer| Collaborative | Creative | Dedicated
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