Mohammad Nahidur Rahman Bhuiyan
Human Resources Professional | Learning & Development Professional | Certified Trainer | Inspirational Speaker | Coach | Quality Auditor| Hotelier |
An Old man has 8 hair on his head. He went to Barber shop.
Barber in anger asked: shall i cut or count ?
Old man smiled and said: "Colour it!"
LIFE is to enjoy with whatever you have with you, keep smiling.
If you feel STRESSED, Give yourself a Break,
Enjoy Some.. Ice cream, Chocolates, Cake, Why?
STRESSED in reverse Spelling -DESSERTS !!!
Alphabetic advice for all of us:
A B C - Avoid Boring Company..
D E F - Don't Entertain Fools..
G H I - Go for High Ideas .
J K L M - Just Keep a friend like ME..
N O P - Never Overlook the Poor n suffering..
Q R S - Quit Reacting to Silly tales..
T U V - Tune Urself for ur Victory..
W X Y Z - We Xpect You to Zoom ahead in life
If you see the moon ..... You see the beauty of God .....
If you see the Sun ..... You see the power of God ..... And ....
If you see the Mirror..... You see the best Creation of GOD .
So Believe in YOURSELF.
One's aim in life should be
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 - glass drinking water.
8 - hrs sound sleep.
7 - wonders tour with family.
6 - six digit income.
5 - days work a week
4 - wheeler.
3 - bedroom flat
2 - cute children.
1 - sweetheart.
0 - tension !
if u like pls send to all people who are important to you..... This is one of the beautiful Message..