Believe your Imagination
What we imagine, becomes our Life!
But why do we imagine? When reality is right in front! Are we not convinced?
It is limitless! We imagine to be bigger, smarter, and wealthier; we imagine the best!
But no matter how close we get, our imagination will always keep itself away and give us the opportunity to believe that there is still better!
Did you ever realize that the actual pleasure is while we wait for something and count the days! The moment we have it, the joy starts depreciating and gradually loses its value. Now let’s link it to our organizational goals, have you ever felt empty after reaching a goal?
A goal can give us a powerful sense of direction and order. It satisfies the natural desire for something to do, and we can feel good as we progress and check off milestones. A goal can however affect our overall sense of connection and purpose too. We assign positive attributes, such as intelligence, perseverance, curiosity, and independence, for being active or engaged in something.
So what happens when the objective you worked so long, is achieved finally? All those links disappear. We can't define ourselves the way we did before. We suddenly have time we don't know how to fill. We can't even periodically look in the mirror and pat ourselves on the back anymore. We question ourselves in a million ways.
Just relax! And get back to your imagination to find another objective, all new scope to get engaged with and live the joy while you walk through the plan every day.
All of us have the mind and ability to discover something new and essentially transform our world.
Believe your Imagination, find out the objective, plan your plan, monitor the progress, check off your milestones and achieve the goal. Once done, take a pause and just repeat for a new discovery.
Thank you for reading.