Believe it – Trust it – Receive it – Hold on to it – Walk in it.
My Sisters and Brothers by no stretch of the imagination are you insignificant. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of all the universe. God made You in His likeness and image. He created you to accomplish a specific purpose and if you trust Him He will complete what He has started in you until the day of Jesus Christ. It does not matter what your parents have said; it doesn’t matter what your spouse; sibling; neighbor; teacher or any person in leadership has spoken because if God be for you, who then can be against you. Those who look at you through the eyes of contempt and belittle everything you do – take your eyes and ears off of them, and look unto Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of your faith. God created you on purpose – for a purpose. Believe it – Trust it – Receive it – Hold on to it – Walk in it.