Believe, Trust and Know
I believe in God the father all mighty. I believe in his Son Jesus Christ. I believe in the Holy Spirit that moves through all things.
I Trust in God that he will not forsake his children who honor him.
I know that when all is said, written and done, all will realize that God is in charge and will balance all of Creation and all things and beings in it with Divine Justice. The good will realize their reward and be placed at the station each have earned in Heaven above. Conversely, the evil will realize their reward and be banished to non existence at their specific gravity in Hell below.
Being an ignorant uneducated man by today’s standards, not a sage or saint but a sinner, an average man who had the privilege to serve his Country in the Navy, one who loves his Son, his grandchildren, his friends and neighbors, his Country, its flag and Constitution I say this in exercising my birthright of free speech, “I Believe, Trust and Know what I have stated here”!