Hi, I'm Susan Sheehan, and today I want to tell you a story. My hope is that this story inspires you, motivates you, helps you see deeper inside who you are and what's possible for you.

I hope the story just is that one story that's got the AHA. That you're looking for. I believe that every single one of us, and that's including you, has everything inside of you to be who you were born to be.

You see, when you think something's impossible, all it means is that you're not informed enough. You don't know how to do it. You don't have the knowledge to do it. There's no such thing as impossible.

You just have to believe that you can.

So, my story begins way back in another life, I gave birth to a little boy who was born with three parts of his brain damaged, multiple food allergies. And he had a seizure. Every 20 minutes,

I used to go to doctors, and I'd walk out of doctor surgery, surgeon surgeries, and I'd look down at this little boy with this one ringlet and say to him, I don't know what we're going to do, mate, but we ain't doing that.

One thing I learned very early on is that when you ask questions, you will always find the answer. You don't have to know who you're going to get it from. You just have to be curious and ask the question. I was young. I didn't know who to talk to.

I didn't know what the right question or the wrong question was. I just used to ask; you know what? I always found the answer.

Matthew today is drug free, allergy free and seizure free. His story is a testament to what is possible. And it all starts with being curious. I remember we met a man once. He was in his fifty s and he had been on epileptic medication all his life. Now, I'm not saying that medication isn't important if lifestyle is lost, what I'm saying is don't just believe that.

That's all that is. And I remember my heart bleeding for this man because he was just a zombie. He just know, like a robot. And I remember looking at Matthew and promising him that that would never be him. And I know that this became one of my drivers to keep that promise.

We're walking on the beach one day and Matthew says to me, I want to be a model. And I'm thinking, oh, my gosh, a model. Okay. Now, with bothof course, is, why would you want to be a model? He's a good looking young man, but why would you want to be a model? And he said, well, because I want to get a better car than Trent. Now, Trent was his mate. Matthew was social. Simple language, but social, loves people.

His friend was socially introvert. Matthew doesn't read and write. His friend could drive a car and could read. So, they would go out into the world together as quite cute, really. And Trent got a new car.

I said, okay, then, a model. Well, let's just check this out. Well, moving on. And we found an agency. He completed a couple of Complete You, programs that just helped him learn how to do all the things about looking after self. And then twice a year, Kathy would have a graduation, and Matthew would go arm and arm with a beautiful young woman down the aisle. He was in his element, and what he learned was amazing.

Then Kathy says, let's put him into an acting course. So off into an acting course he goes, and he had to learn the lines of Proximo from the Gladiator. Well, these lines were planted all around our house. He had a big cloak, and he's standing on stage under this cloak, and he's not moving.

My daughter says, what's wrong with him? I said, I don't know. Anyway, his coach comes and takes them off stage. And we went out the back, and there they are stroking him and. Never mind, Mattie, it's okay. My daughter says to him, what's wrong with you, bro? Just. What about your car?

Well, tears stopped. He stood up straight, had a glass of water, put the cloak back on. He went back onto the stage, remembered his lines and got a standing ovation.

The vision of that car. What's your vision? It is so powerful to have a vision and know that it's possible.

See, Matthew's vision was real. But here's the thing. Matthew will never drive a car.

His journey has been one of abuse, bullying, and believing he could step into parts of our world where he just didn't fit. He wanted to fit, but he didn't fit. He's had doors slammed in his face. He's had people call him names. He's been beaten up and left on the side of the road.

People can be very unkind, BE KIND. My two favorite words, kindness and courage. But, you know, Matthew's always had the ability to stand up and say, it's okay,

I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be, okay?

I know he inspires me to believe it's always going to be a beautiful day. Let's face it, some days just are not beautiful. But what happens when you believe it is? Yes, you have a better day.

Exercise has always been a big, big part of what we do. And so, he's always exercised, he's always had personal trainer, and he's always had some form of activity going on.

But through Covid, he lost his job. Now just backspacing a little bit. Six years previously, he said to me, I want to work at Versace.

Okay? I never said no. We just went along to Versace, my son would like to work here, what does he have to do to make it happen? And of course, what he had to do was get some kind of certificate. So, we figured out how to do that.

And without being able to read and write, Matthew got a certificate in hospitality. Then he needed some experience. He got his first job working in one of the surf clubs, here on the Gold Coast, he worked for the surf club for five years.

Through Covid, he lost his job. So, he came home, and I said, well, you got to do something. You can't just hang it around here. What are you going to do? So, he he took up golf.

Well, he took to golf like a duck to water. I mean, he took to golf like a duck to water. Last month, he got the gold medal in the first Special Olympics Australian tournament for his division. And as of last week, he's now in the all abilities Open Australian golf tournament and put his name down for the European Open.

He gets up, just does what he has to do. He never, ever has an excuse of not to do anything. And never, ever in his life has he had a sicky. Never has he just said, I'm not going to go to work today. I'm just going to stay home.

So, I share my son's story with you today in the hope that it gives you hope. Believe in yourself. Believe in the people that you have around you. You know that we've never, ever used the word can't or stupid in a household, ever.

There's always a way that you can. And, yes, it takes effort, and, yes, it takes persistence. And, yes, you got to go through those tunnels of pain. Sometimes you come out the other end and you are this amazing, incredible human being. So I hope, as I said, this little story inspires you to find a message in there that is going to just be maybe that one thing that you need to hear today.

I'm Susan Sheehan, and I've been a coach for 30 years. I'm an international speaker. My place is on stage, inspiring you to be the best... believe in the people that you have around you. You know that we've never, ever used the word can't or stupid in a household, ever.

There's always a way that you can. And, yes, it takes effort, and, yes, it takes persistence. And, yes, you got to go through those tunnels of pain. Sometimes you come out the other end and you are this amazing, incredible human being. So I hope, as I said, this little story inspires you to find a message in there that is going to just be maybe that one thing that you need to hear today.

I'm Susan Sheehan, and I've been a coach for 30 years. I'm an international speaker. My place is on stage,

Go on. What is one thing that you want right that you can be.

Go on. What is one thing that you want right now? Start believing that you can. And always remember that you're amazing and you deserve to live your healthy, wealthy, rich life. It.

If you need help figuring out what you want and how do things better then SMS us on (61) 432 428 885... we would love to help.

Caroline Barton

Business Consultant ?? Driving Financial Performance ??Business Planning & Strategy Coach Master Facilitator

1 年

These types of stories give me goosebumps.......we human beings have the potential to be truly amazing no matter what our situation is. But it does take courage and resilience.........Matthew is certainly a testament to this ??



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