Believe that God will take care of us
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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God takes care of us in so many ways, its difficult to explain them all. Let me just give one example. someone's 4 year old Son is one of the most trouble making boy you will ever encounter. When he was younger, he'd do things so risky, its extremely weird that he wasn't hurt.We own very sharp counters, and you can't count how many times his head or neck was so close to being ripped apart by it. It was always a near miss.
This may seem like a small miracle, or perhaps a small coincidence, but truthfully, God doesn't give away huge miracle every day, but he takes care of us in small ways, its not always obvious. Look around to your surroundings a bit, open your eyes, and trust me, you will see all the small miracles that happen daily! You have Sun to warm you. Air to breathe.Good Food to eat.
A body that grows, stops growing self heals, self reproduces and dies.You have a brain to recognize that this earth is unique in our real estate in the universe. But, everybody just assumes that this is normal. Even though it is not normal on the moon or mars. So that's a start. Then he gave you opposable thumbs. The rest is the history of mankind, as created by God. Do with it all as you will. Freely. And air, water, food, clothing cars, computers, phones are real and physical. Without the periodic table of the elements, we could not do for ourselves and make these things.
There is a lot more to God than just physical things. But those are a good start.We say "Thank you" for these things though. With them, we can take care of ourselves. He provides. Providence. Exactly Why would God need us ! As we are loved and cared by our parents God is our real guardian always amidst us and as we need our parents no matter how old we be we'll remain a child for them.
As we our God's creation undeniably and incontrovertibly we'll be needed by Him and we'll need Him to take refuge from all the sorrows, pains and suffering of this mortal world and for this we have to take refuge of a True Spiritual Saint/Teacher/God. And Yes our Almighty wants us back to The Immortal World ‘Satlok’ where we will reside happily ever after.
God begins to care about us when we start caring about Him. As long as a person does not care about having God in his life, as long as a person wants to be free to do as he likes, God stays away from such a person. In that case, Nature is put in charge of these people.And Nature is fair, because she will punish or reward us according to how we treat her and her inhabitants. It’s called the law of karma. Karma is a law of nature, and just like gravity it works whether one believes in it or not.
God’s plan for all living entities is that they should get our of the material world - the ocean of birth and death - and return home, back to Him. With that purpose in mind Krishna descends regularly to the material world in order to display His wonderful pastimes, to attract the fallen souls back to their original position. God’s plan also includes a plan B, which takes into consideration that very few souls, due to their material conditioning, are willing to get out of the material world. They want to stay here, and enjoy without God, which is why we all came here to begin with. With that in mind, Krishna has designed the world to be the field of activities for the fallen souls.
Thus, the individual souls have the free will to make the world into either heaven or hell. In the material world, a person enjoys or suffers according to his karmic reactions.When people cause suffering to other living entities, they must be prepared for the same suffering to befall them.That is the law of the material world. Karma dictates that a person creates his own suffering and enjoyment according the suffering or enjoyment he inflicts on others, not only on people, but on any living entity.
God is in total control, and whatever He does is totally good. When Nature punishes us for the shit we put other living entities through, simply for our own selfish satisfaction, it’s a good thing. It’s exactly like it’s meant to be. And it means that God really cares. That’s why He is trying, through His various agents, to rectify us. Shri Krishna says: Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharat, and a predominant rise of irreligion -- at that time I descend Myself. —Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta SBg 4.7