Believe beyond Belief
Sumeet Rikhy
People Leader in Tech & Education | Strategic HR Professional | Chartered MCIPD (Level 7) | Chair, CIPD South London
Comes another day, the morning is patterned
Work is an auto-drive, the mind is distracted
The computer screen is staring, the brain needs a jumpstart
Nothing seems normal when the belief is questioned
Motivation seems external, waiting for an inspiration
The clock is pacing faster, the mind is still distracted
The nails are getting shorter, the waiting is getting no results
Busyness is all around, however, no work is getting done
Patience seems to be questioned, answers are expected
When external doesn't work, let's look at the internal, says the brain
Who are you, what made you such
It's time to dig deep and access the core
Life is a teaching, experiences are foundation layers
The past is a beating, today is resilient
The single most important learning, depend on only oneself
Come the good, bad, or the ugly, survival was always a constant
It might feel beyond control, it might seem down and out
Life is another chance, another thought, another plan
Plans are like a ray, the inspiration is back
When belief is questioned, its time to believe beyond belief