Believe in Better Times...
Everyone has a story…
Someone didn’t get to go to their high school senior prom or play their last season of varsity baseball. Someone else didn’t get to walk their graduation in college. Someone else had to cancel their big wedding. Someone else just had a baby and is afraid of visitors. Someone else has an elderly parent in an assisted living facility and they're on lock down. All professional sports teams canceled their seasons, and the Summer Olympics in Tokyo were even postponed.
We lost the Cooperstown Dreams Park tournament.
It's "THE BASEBALL TOURNAMENT" that all 12-year-old boys across the nation look forward to.
Some 104 teams compete against each other during each & every week of the Summer months. It may sound trivial given the backdrop of all that's going on, but we practiced indoors for the past four months, only to learn that we may not play baseball at all this year?
This is particularly painful for me because I run the team. I held tryouts, organized a team, created a $30k+ budget, collected money, secured an indoor facility for team practice, confirmed the best coaching staff available, established a team schedule, created communication protocols, ordered uniforms, registered for tournaments, negotiated costs, developed specific practice plans, and pushed the boys to prepare mentally for battle because SUCCESS IS A PROCESS. It's a labor of love & I spend all of my discretionary time on this endeavor for 6-7 months a year...and now it’s all gone.
Still, there are others who have it much worse. Once we let go of these tethered notions of what we think matters, we are left with what really does.
People have lost jobs; they have no income & they live hand to mouth. People have lost loved ones. Factories shut down. Travel has stopped. Governments are trying to manage a crisis and jump-start the economy. We will even elect a new president later this year.
Don’t sit around feeling sorry for yourself – look for ways to be productive & make it better. We need to honor the recommended protocols that will expedite the end of COVID-19, but find ways to be a good neighbor too. Check on the elderly in your neighborhood and help them if you can. Demonstrate some semblance of calm and don’t feed the self-induced panic that only makes things worse.
We are going to get thru this and when it’s done you will reflect back on what you did during these difficult times – will you be proud of what you did...did you help make it better?
We are profoundly blessed in this country with freedoms that can be used for good or otherwise. If you turn on Fox or CNN news you will be reminded of our dysfunctional US Congress or how your reality can be manipulated for other purposes. Some in the media are too busy advancing their careers to be bothered with the facts. Partisanship looks particularly petty in times like this; however, there are a few voices of reason out there ~
Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a recent press conference:
"We grow too soon old, and too late smart." The latter doesn't have to be the case.
Hope is a great thing, especially if it promotes a different attitude that changes your behavior. Look for ways to not just manage yourself in a crisis, but help those around you who may need a little attention to get through.
Start at home - clean out that closet, organize the garage, work on the projects that have been ignored for too long. After that, see if there are neighbors who could use some help? Maybe you can do some grocery shopping for the elderly nearby...
Observe best practices, just wash your hands often & stay home if you don't feel well. BE PART OF THE SOLUTION.
There's a three-part series on the History Channel about the life of George Washington; it's an excellent documentary to watch about real hardships endured to create the world we now enjoy. You have the time; you should check it out. It's also a good time to channel a little of our Founding Fathers ~
When this is all behind us we can collectively take pride in knowing that we contributed to the many little things that helped us all get our lives back on track.
4 年Nice thoughts Bob. Eloquent and spot on.
Product Development Engineer at Ford Motor Company
5 年Bob, thank you for some much needed perspective!