Believe & Achieve - Newsletter 1st October 2024

Believe & Achieve - Newsletter 1st October 2024

The Terror Barrier

??? Quote of the Week:


“The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure you seek.”

Joseph Campbell


?? Client Wins


“I just did a 20 minute talk at a large Network Event, with 24 hours notice. A couple of months ago I would have never dreamt I’d have the confidence to do that, I would have said NO to the opportunity. I’m so glad I said YES and did it!”


Owner of a Finance Support Company.


?? Top Tip of the Week


Feel the fear and do it anyway!


Easier said than done but… On the other side of fear is freedom.


Fear and growth go hand in hand (Sandy Gallagher). For us to grow, we have to get out of our comfort zone.


Whenever you’ve achieved anything of any consequence, you will have hit that terror barrier, pushed through it and got some amazing results.


You got UNCOMFORTABLE, that’s exactly where the magic happened.


So, what is FEAR, how can you control it and how can you use it to create freedom in your life?


1. Fear comes from not knowing. It starts with thoughts of worry and doubt. This creates a feeling of fear, which expresses itself in the body as anxiety. Fear is suppressed, it creates unease and ultimately dis-ease and disintegration in our bodies.


2. We can rid ourselves of fear by creating understanding. That sets up a feeling of faith, which expresses itself in the body as wellbeing. Wellbeing is expressed and accelerates momentum.


3. You can create freedom from fear, when you start to explore and understand the thoughts you are entertaining that cause the fear (and then changing them by gaining knowledge and – super important – applying/implementing that knowledge).


I talk to a lot of people who want to improve one or more areas of their life. They know what they DON’T want. For instance working 60 or 80 hours, being unfit, feeling stressed, being overwhelmed, acting impatient with their loved ones and so on.


They want to ‘get away’ from all that, but they don’t know how to do it. They’ve tried and failed numerous times, often for a long time.


They tell themselves why they can’t, why it’s not possible. And come up with reasons that sound completely logical, but…


The real problem here is that they’re not clear on what they DO want. And even if they are, they don’t know HOW to get there.


They don’t know WHO THEY WOULD BE without doing the things they’re doing right now (which are actually not making them feel too good).


So, how to solve that one?


Well, you’ve got to get clear on what you really want (I can show you how), and then start building that picture in your mind, over and over and over again. So that you can start seeing that version of yourself in your mind.


And now it will no longer feel scary to let go of the old you, because you know who the new you will be, what the new you would do with all the extra free time for instance. What the new you would do when you’re fit, when you’re without stress and overwhelm, etc.


No one has ever achieved anything of any consequence without hitting the Terror Barrier!


The great news is that when you hit it, you KNOW you’re on the right track. Keep going! Jump, you’ll develop wings along the way…


Reach out if you’d like to understand more about this topic. We dedicate two weeks to this in my coaching and it is always a massive eye opener for my clients.


?? What we've been up to...


Last week was the week of the Masterclass – Managing stress in a high pressure industry.

We talked about what stress actually is, how it is created and how to start eliminating it.

Some great insights, aha moments and quick wins! Have a listen by clicking below. Password: ?uQ%V6zh


Click below to listen to the recording


I had the privilege to speak at a local network event and covered the topic of reducing stress by staying in control of your time and activities. Along with

sharing some top tips, we had some interesting conversations about the Knowing/Doing Gap.


At another network event (nice lunch!) I caught up with some old acquaintances – some of who are clients – and met some great new people.


Super interesting and thought provoking discussions, love those days where we really get our mind in gear and start THINKING in a way that serves and empowers us, rather than limits us.



?? Your quest for the next two weeks (& beyond)...


- Decide what you really want.

- Stop arguing for your limitations.

- Every time fear or doubt or worry comes up, explore what you are THINKING.

- Question whether that thought is actually really true.

- Re-evaluate your beliefs/perceptions/actions.

- Then move towards what you want, rather than keep yourself away from it.


It’s simple, but not easy. If it was easy everyone would be doing it wouldn’t they?!


Reach out for your free discovery call to start making some real shifts!


Click below to book your free discovery call with me.


?? What's next?


My friend is coming over from Holland.


We’ve been besties since we were 10 years old – looking forward to some great laughs, good conversations and fun stuff.


Relationships are so important.


Save the date for the next Masterclass – How to Truly Thrive in 2025 on

30 Oct 7pm UK / 8pm CET / 1pm EST.


A reminder that I’m developing some short online courses – reach out if you’d like to find out more.


Keep following our posts on Linkedin and Facebook, Insta and Tik Tok for daily insights and top tips!


Thanks for being an important part of our community!


Have a wonderful week!

Caddi X


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