Believe & Achieve - Newsletter 12th November 2024

Believe & Achieve - Newsletter 12th November 2024



??? Quote of the Week:


“We cannot be an effective leader of others, unless and until we can lead ourselves first.”


Thinking into Results


?? Client Wins


“I went through a tough recruitment process with a large global company and didn’t get the job. At first I thought I was disappointed and then I realised, I would have been settling.


Within two days I received offers from three companies to join them as a partner and another offer for a directorship. I am super excited about all of them.


I now truly understand that I never need to settle for anything less than what I truly want. A few months ago, before this training, I would never have thought that possible.”


Supply Chain Professional



??? Top Tip of the Week


To be a great leader, you have to also be an intelligent follower.


We are the average of the five people we hang around with!


Who are you hanging around with?


Make a list 10 people you spend most of your time with (personally and professionally).


From this list, ask yourself, 'Are these people conducive to my success?'


This is not about whether they are good or bad people, whether we love them or not, but about whether their attitude, beliefs, values are aligned with who we are and what we want to achieve in our life.


Do these people believe in our dreams and desires, in our goals?

Are they supportive or do they minimise us / talk us out of our desires?


Then, think of three people that are experts in what you want. Make a point of spending more time with them and learn from them. After all, they have achieved what you want, so they are the only people who know how to do it.


Listen to the experts! In every walk of life. They are the only people who can show us how to achieve the things we want to achieve.


After all, if you had a toothache, you wouldn’t go to a car mechanic would you?


If you wanted to be a millionaire, you wouldn’t ask your neighbour who’s on benefits would you? However, they will have a lot to say about it!


There are, of course, a number of specific characteristics unique to a great leader. Here are some to think about:



The willingness to step out, to create and deliver a vision, to get outside of their comfort zone.


Self Control

They respond, rather than react. They see the bigger picture, control their emotions and focus on the result.


Decision Making

Great leaders make decisions quickly and firmly, and hardly change them (if at all). This is because they know and understand themselves and have the courage to listen to their intuition. Your intuition is talking to you from the future version of you. Your current logic isn't aligned with that yet.


Most of us use inaccurate and untrue logical reasoning to explain away what our intuition is telling us. Think of times in your past when you have listened to your intuition (no matter how strange it seemed) – things will have worked out brilliantly.


Think of times in your past when you didn’t listen, when you ignored the little red flags – things didn’t work out so well did they?


What other characteristics do you believe make a great leader, and how can you emulate more of those…?


?? What we've been up to...


?We revived the “Logistics Lite Bytes at Lunch” videos (around 5 minutes each) on social media, where we take a logistics topic and apply it to our personal life.


Masterclass – How to Thrive in 2025


The masterclass was a great success. Lots of positive feedback and people already making changes for the better and shifting to their next level!


TRUTH BOMB: Nothing will change unless you start to take your lifestyle seriously and make some real changes ??


If you want 2025 to be better than 2024, if you want to close the gap between where you’re at and where you really want to be – DON’T MISS THIS ONE!


Below is the link if you’d like to watch it on the replay (passcode: #5w@yy1y).


Super grateful to be able to share this material with you all. It’s always an amazing feeling to see my clients thrive; to watch how their confidence, self-belief and self image grows dramatically. How they get rid of the doubt and fear and then to see the fabulous results that they get ??


By investing less than an hour of your time you’ll gain insights into how you can:


?? set yourself up for success

?? demolish what is holding you back (it's not what you think it is)

?? start to create the version of you that's more effective, working less, getting the job done quicker and better

?? ditch the stress and overwhelm


?? Your quest for the next two weeks (& beyond)...


Think of two people who are or were great leaders to you.

?? Identify a couple of personality traits that made them such a great leader.

?? Write down ways of how you can emulate those.

?? Take action immediately and incorporate more of those traits into your daily life.

Have fun!


Then, connect with me for your free discovery call and we can explore how you can make even bigger, permanent shifts.


You can book it here:


?? What's next?


I’ll be joining some local network events next week, which I’m really looking forward to.


It’ll be great to see some of my clients there in person and meet new people / get to know people a bit better.


And the lunch ain’t bad either! ??

Super important to get yourself out there and spend time with like-minded people on a regular basis.


I am working on a couple of short, online courses (Time – Activity – Management, Money Mindset, Building True Confidence). Let me know if you’d like to have a taster session for those!


And, I’ve started to think about what Christmas presents to buy! How about you? Are you super organised or a bit last minute like me…? ??


Keep following our posts on Linkedin, Facebook, Insta & Tik Tok for daily insights and top tips!


Thanks for being an important part of our community!


Have a wonderful week!

Caddi X
