Beliefs, Truth & Knowledge

Beliefs, Truth & Knowledge

Belief is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case, with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that something is the case with factual certainty. A belief is something that we take to be true or assume to be correct, without necessarily investigating, questioning or having scientific proof for it. In other words, belief is when someone thinks something is reality, true, when they have no absolute verified foundation for their certainty of the truth or realness of something. Another way of defining belief is, it is a mental representation of an attitude positively orientated towards the likelihood of something being true. We take many things at face value, and these become our beliefs. For example, we might has learnt as a child that if a black cat crosses our path, our job will not be done. These have no scientific basis, have never been conclusively proved, and yet, we tend to believe them.

Times change and so does circumstances. BELIEFS are based on past history/traditions and have been well established by consequence indirect proofs. But blind beliefs are some of the practices followed blindly -and sometimes putting one into hardships and causing the accidents. Such traditions/blind beliefs - need to be corrected even if required by law enforcing agencies. Such efforts are required, particularly for blind beliefs which are harmful to individuals on their health or any other problem.

Belief is shattered when things start not happening as per wish or as thought off, then apparently new belief is generated. Beliefs play an important role in our lives. As humans, when life is changing every moment, unpredictable, unsafe, insecure and ephemeral, we need something to hold on to, to feel safe. And most of the things we hold on to, are our beliefs. For most of us, God is a belief, disease is a belief, cure is a belief, human behaviors are classified according to our beliefs, our opinions, our judgments, our attitudes, our fears and hopes, all stem from various beliefs that we hold.

Beliefs are often necessary and our only source of invisible support in a world that is otherwise so scary and overwhelming. A child believes that her parents will take care of her and solve any problem that arises. This helps the child to remains and carry out her daily tasks. Old parents believe that their children will take care of them in old age. Most of us believe that if we do good, good will ensure. If we study hard and educate ourselves, our lives will be a success. If we eat and live healthy, our lives will be healthy. If we pray to God regularly, God will take good care of us. And so on. If we commit a crime, God will punish us.. .and so on.

Our beliefs tend to sink deep into our subconscious mind, which is that part of the mind which is invisible, but which is in charge of all our bodily functions. The beating of the heart, circulation, breathing, digestion, excretion---all are done with precision by the subconscious mind. If left alone, the subconscious mind will do a wonderful job of maintaining us in good health. But our beliefs, both the good and bad ones, have a deep impact on our subconscious mind, and tend to affect its smooth functioning.

In Neuropsychology's growing recognition of just how irrational our rational thinking can be, we now know that our intellectual value judgments—that is, the degree to which we believe or disbelieve an idea—are powerfully influenced by our brains' proclivity for attachment. Our brains are attachment machines, attaching not just to people and places, but to ideas. And not just in a coldly rational manner. Our brains become intimately emotionally entangled with ideas we come to believe are true (however we came to that conclusion) and emotionally allergic to ideas we believe to be false. This emotional dimension to our rational judgment explains a gamut of measurable biases that show just how unlike computers our minds are: (1) Confirmation bias, which causes us to pay more attention and assign greater credence to ideas that support our current beliefs. That is, we cherry pick the evidence that supports a contention we already believe and ignore evidence that argues against it. (2) Dis-confirmation bias, which causes us to expend disproportionate energy trying to disprove ideas that contradict our current beliefs.

The conscious or objective mind, is what we use to think, rationalize, plan, learn, introspect, memorize, and communicate with others. It is also the part of the brain we use to worry, the part which produces many thoughts every minute. The subconscious mind is subjective, and depends on it inputs on the conscious mind. It also gathers information based on intuition, instinct and non-local intelligence. The conscious mind is the captain of the ship, while the subconscious mind are the workers who are working in the engine room. They blindly follow whatever orders the captain issues from the bridge.

The subconscious mind does not distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong. It simply follows the conscious mind. If the conscious mind feels that getting wet in the rain or eating an ice cream will cause a cold or cough, or eating a particular food will cause allergy, as and when these events happen, the subconscious mind, which has already received these orders, will proceed to execute these functions, and will make sure that you get a cold or cough or an allergy.

Belief can make people do the strangest things. At one level, it provides a moral framework, sets preferences and steers relationships. On another, it can be devastating. Belief can manifest itself as prejudice or persuade someone to blow up themselves and others in the name of a political cause. Most of the circumstances we face in life, good and bad health, poverty and richness, good and bad relationships, friends and enemies, happiness or unhappiness, all have their seeds in our belief systems and how use our beliefs to program our subconscious mind. If we believe that life is difficult, the subconscious proceeds to create difficulties for us. If we feel that earning money is hard, the subconscious mind produces those very conditions. If we are worried about sickness, we fall sick. Conversely, if we think abundance, if we think health, if we think happiness, we get those too.

When we say that we should have positive thoughts, avoid negativity, quit worrying, not to take unnecessary stress, not to have remorse or resentments, what we mean is that all these energies affect the subconscious mind and lead to various unwanted effects in our lives. If we have done something which we feel guilty about, the subconscious often proceeds to give us punishing circumstances, because somewhere we want to punish ourselves for the act that is causing guilt. This could mean disease or adverse conditions.

 If we harbor too much resentments or anger, this negative energy could easily be turned into a lump, a disease in some organ or other, by the subconscious mind. If we are worried too much and believe that we will become poor, the subconscious mind says "Ok, the boss wants us to be poor" and it proceeds to bring about poverty. The subconscious mind is composed of infinite intelligence, is what we commonly call our spirit or soul or consciousness and it is also connected to the consciousness of others and to the Universal consciousness. Any change in this subconscious mind will automatically affect the energy balance in our internal and external environment.

Hence, we need to be very careful what we believe, for that will become our truth. The subconscious mind is like the genie in Aladdin’s lamp. Whatever you tell it, whatever belief you impress on it, it will carry out that task. So, choose your beliefs and your thoughts wisely, for your subconscious mind is listening to everything you are saying to yourself all day long, and is acting on it. Your word is your wand, your belief is your magic sword. Use them wisely. And if things are going wrong in your life, remember that the only person to blame, is you, and your thoughts, words and beliefs.

Belief is corruption because, behind belief and morality lurks the mind, the self growing big, powerful and strong. We consider belief in God, the belief in something, as religion. We consider that to believe is to be religious. You understand? If you do not believe, you will be considered an atheist, you will be condemned by society. One society will condemn those who believe in God, and another society will condemn those who do not. They are both the same. So, religion becomes a matter of belief and belief acts and has a corresponding influence on the mind; the mind then can never be free. But it is only in freedom that you can find out what is true, what is God, not through any belief, because your very belief projects what you think ought to be God, what you think ought to be true.

PRACTICE EXPANDING your beliefs now. Allow your consciousness to go beyond everything you think you know about the world and yourself. What abilities would you desire to have in a limitless, yes limitless, world? Begin imagining yourself having such abilities. The only way you will get closer to expansion is to LET THE POSSIBILITIES ARISE in your mind and emotions. Perhaps you will be a part of a group of individuals that have a similar talent and together you can be a great force. What you start creating at the consciousness level now will add to what becomes possible in the coming era. Get out of the box and push the limits. The more you all do this, the more expansive the belief systems will be and hence the greater the effect. If you start radical, the lowest denominator will at least be beyond the limitations projected by the least imaginative among you. Channeled message from Simion on how our shift in beliefs has the potential to change our world as never before. Belief is also needed when one moves on a path of spiritual path under able guidance of GURU/SATGURU.

We are Simion the evolutionary collective. In order for any innovation to take place in your present system, a belief or idea must be reworked or be seen from another point of view. The shift in ideas that is coming of age now has the ability to make a major SHIFT IN THE ENERGY PATTERNS that have held your systems back for millennia. The consciousness change will be so dramatic that MOLECULAR STRUCTURE will be ALTERED WITH THOUGHTS and the world will be entirely transformed into a higher dimensional realm. Most of you are seeing how a simple CHANGE IN BELIEF can alter your perception and hence change your experience. As you begin to do this on a global level with awareness, the beliefs you promote will have the collective power to completely revamp humanity and its environmental impact.

The power of your mass beliefs is being unleashed and amplified so that the cause and effects are understood with deeper appreciation and hence more profound manipulation is achieved. Once again, we emphasize that this is only possible within a state of elevated vibration. As you alter your fundamental beliefs about energy, thoughts and matter, and enhance your ability to elevate these vibrations, then you are increasing your inherent capabilities to manipulate energy at the consciousness level.

This is the core level of creation and where dimensional reality is altered. What you believe you can achieve…will take on real meaning as you shift your core awareness. Your beliefs in the energy of consciousness will be at the root of the shift and evolution. This is the force for your forward momentum. The eventual mass certainty in the power of consciousness to drive energy systems will propel dimensional shifts that will be revealed in ever increasing personal and mass awareness of what was previously unknown and unseen. There will be new relationships established with beings and energy forms in other dimensions. The boundaries between worlds will be less distinct. This in and of itself, will then lead to further understanding of energy life and will again promote further development.

As you stretch the limits of your conscious awareness, more is revealed and pulled into the next dimensional octave. As evolving conscious beings, you will be creating systems of belief that in turn create your reality. You have the opportunity in your advanced awareness to do this with intention. Therefore, you may want to stretch your thinking. Have fun with it. It may seem childish to envision a world with connections to fairies or rocks or planets, but this is the place of joy that will make it real. Many of you are so bored with life because you stopped believing that there is anything beyond the routine dependency on technology. Wake up and dream a little. The dreams can help get you into a state of hope and desire for something better for your planet. Collectively you are starved for this.

"In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue" - Mark Twain

Dr Anadi Sahoo

Indic Knowledge System I Nath Sampradaya

7 年

BELIEFS vs TRUTHS 1. Beliefs - all are not Truths or Reality 2. Belief of any nature does not equate with truth 3. There is a quantum gap between Belief and Truth 4. This gap comprises of - doubt, delusion, illusion and hallucination 5. Thus Belief is not near Truth, there is a variable distance between them 6. Belief is only an effort to know the never knowable truth 7. So struggle due to different beliefs on the same issue is meaningless and can not capture the Truth.

Christyn Carriker

Framingham Center for Healing- Private Practitioner Advocates Crisis Clinician

7 年

That was beautifully written. Thank you

Raviraj Hiremath He/Him/His

Architectural Glass restoration @ Aarka & Glass Quality Guidance Consultancy Services | Architectural Glass Enhancement / Restoration Services

7 年

We live in a society which is bound by traditions, cultures and beliefs even if we try to break free our family , friends and relatives oppose us which ultimately affects our thoughts. Unlike the movies PK (Aamir Khan) and OH MY GOD which shows us how people make money in the name of god and create fear. Its us ,who has to understand what to believe and what not to believe. Knowledge and science behind the belief will help us to discover the naked truth.

Dr. M. S. Rahman

Director, Kosi Valley International School

7 年

Your insight on belief is in fact very deep. Gone through the article and surged into a contemplative state of mind. Faith is blind. And the belief or belief system viz., faith in Almighty is in fact a metasystem which in turn controls or guides/runs the system. Thanks Dr. for the post. Regards.


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