Beliefs, placebos, and permission slips: How they create our perceived reality.

Beliefs, placebos, and permission slips: How they create our perceived reality.

Firstly, why have I chosen "perceived reality" instead of "illusion" in the title? Why not "Beliefs, placebos, and permission slips: How they create our illusion of reality"?

It's easier to grasp that whatever we see, feel, touch, or taste is our perception of reality instead of an illusion created by us. As a perception of reality, we're blameless, reactive, and often the victims. As a creator of our reality, we're responsible, responsive, and powerful...yet it's a power we're not always ready to step into. But that's for another discussion.

Back to beliefs, placebos, and permission slips, a quick search on the meaning of each...

  • Belief: An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.
  • Placebo: A usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder.
  • Permission slip: Essential documents that officially acknowledge the consent of a person or group to do certain activities.

How this comes together to create our perceived reality? To explore just how powerful our perceptions are, I asked ChatGPT’s help in summarising some research.


"Research on Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) has shown that different identities within one person can display unique physiological traits—differences in eyesight, allergies, even responses to medication. Some reports suggest that illnesses like cancer or diabetes may appear in one identity but not another, though these claims remain largely anecdotal.

A key reference on physiological differences in DID is the work of Dr. Bennett Braun, Dr. Cornelia Wilbur, and others who have studied DID extensively."

This resonates deeply with me, given my own experiences with vision, allergies, and cancer. It supports my own beliefs, placebos, and permission slips around my recent choices.

What's my point?

A growing repository of research indicates that whatever we BELIEVE is manifested in the body. If we believe a treatment, process, or practice works, the PLACEBO effect says it will. This then becomes the PERMISSION SLIP for us to heal from any physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual challenge.

Why am I sharing?

It all comes back to energy, frequency, vibration, and resonance: Our beliefs determine whether we're vibrating at a higher or lower frequency, and that covers the neuroscience part of the Vibrational Marketing Institute's curriculum.

If our beliefs shape our reality, what shifts when we choose to believe in healing, possibility, and expansion for everyone to thrive? Something for us all to consider. methinks.

Next, we dig into how it ties into quantum physics.


Even Einstein knows we can't solve problems with the same level of thinking that create them. Why speak of him in the present, as if he hasn’t died? Funny that you ask. In quantum physics, there is no time or space. Einstein is both dead and alive at the same time.

In deepening my own understanding of this timeless, spaceless, unseen, unknown quantum world, I chose to look outside my own known sources. While keeping an open mind, I looked to channeled sources: What are the ascended masters, archangels, and extraterrestrials saying about time and space?

Do I believe in ascended masters, archangels, and extraterrestrials? Even for someone as woo-woo as me, this has been a stretch. But if I don't challenge my beliefs, how else can I expand my consciousness?

What they all agree on - and what rings true for me - is the existence of parallel lives, something Hollywood has been illustrating for decades. A quick chat with ChatGPT pulled together a list of must-watch movies that explore how, as humans, we traverse parallel realities that transcend time and space by the moment-to-moment decisions we make.

Perhaps some inspiration for your next weekend binge?

1. Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

A wild, multidimensional journey that shows how different choices create branching realities. Explores the emotional and existential weight of infinite possibilities.

2. Sliding Doors (1998)

A classic “what if” story showing two parallel timelines based on whether a woman catches a train. Demonstrates how small decisions can have huge consequences.

3. Mr. Nobody (2009)

Follows a man who remembers multiple versions of his life, each unfolding based on different choices. Explores quantum mechanics and the idea that all possibilities exist simultaneously.

4. Coherence (2013)

A psychological thriller where a cosmic event causes parallel realities to overlap. Characters face alternate versions of themselves, forcing them to confront their choices.

5. The Butterfly Effect (2004)

A man discovers he can alter his past, but every change has unintended consequences. Highlights the interconnectedness of choices and reality.

6. Run Lola Run (1998)

A fast-paced film where the protagonist experiences three different versions of the same event based on split-second choices. Shows how slight variations in decisions change outcomes drastically.

7. Interstellar (2014)

While primarily about space travel, it introduces the idea of time as a dimension and how choices ripple across different timelines.

What's this all got to do with vibrational marketing?


First a peek into the possible beliefs, placebos, and permission slips around traditional marketing...

  • Belief: Marketing is a process of bringing people to a place where they perform an action that leads to the selling of a product or service at a profit.
  • Placebo: Generating copious amounts of content on different platforms trying to get people to a place where they'll buy from us.
  • Permission slip: Speaking 24/7 about the things that are important to us.

Does this method of marketing work? While not everyone experiences the positive results of a placebo, the ones who do may become addicted to it being "right" simply because it was right for them.

Vibrational marketing challenges us to change our beliefs around marketing.

When we understand how energy, frequency, resonance, and vibration works... when we understand that we can simply tap into a different parallel reality where everything already exists... when we know we can tap into that parallel reality simply by reframing our beliefs, why go the linear route?

And when we know that everything we want exists at our highest frequency of unconditional love, why not simply start with unconditional love?

So what could expanded beliefs, placebos, and permission slips around vibrational marketing look like?

  • Belief: Everything we want already exists at our highest vibration of unconditional love.
  • Placebo: Make it a daily marketing practice to serve from our highest vibration of unconditional love.
  • Permission slip: Do whatever brings us joy knowing we're tapping into a parallel reality of a healed planet where poverty, disease, and disharmony simply cannot thrive.

What's this got to do with the accreditation for the Vibrational Marketing Institute's Vibrational Marketing Practitioner program?

By founding our practices on Christ consciousness, which is the embodiment of unconditional love, we're already tapping into our highest frequency and shifting our vibration to where our illusion of a healed planet already exists.

The Accreditation for VMI's Vibrational Marketing Practitioner Program

It's been a year since inviting founding members to join the Vibrational Marketing Institute, which officially launched on 1 June 2024. When we strip away all the tools, systems, processes, and practices into their most basic form, it comes down to unconditional love.

Instead of mastering the current chaotic marketing practices, how do we master unconditional love?

?? ???????????? 1: ?????? ?????? ???? ??????????????????

Can we truly embody who we are as unconditional love in alignment with our highest self?

?? ???????????? 2: ?????? ?????? ???? ????????????????????

Can we truly embody unconditional love for our 27 archetypes, which represent those who may eventually buy from us?

?? ???????????? 3: ?????? ?????? ???? ??????????????????????

Can we truly embody Christ consciousness as we unconditionally serve the fellow entrepreneurs alongside us in the complete knowing that poverty, disease, and disharmony simply cannot thrive in high frequencies?

Obviously an ongoing lifetime process rather than a once-off practice, the accreditation provides a standard for demonstrating abundance instead of lack, empathy before profits, and health, wealth, and happiness for all instead of the privileged few.

Why an accreditation?

As explained in a previous post, there’s a reason why the curriculum is purely practical. Because theoretical is just that: Theory. When it comes to consciousness, nobody really knows how it works. It is to be experienced.

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Bringing it back to the basic rules of course creation, and loosely using ??????????’?? ????????????????, there are different levels of learning.

?? ??????????????: This is when we’re able to remember, recognise, or identify the facts.

?? ??????????????????????????: Yes, we know the facts. Are we able to explain how it comes together?

??? ??????????????????????: While we’re able to articulate the theory, are we able to apply it in our lives?

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? ????????????????????: Are we able to live the practices to the extent that we no longer have to think about it? So that it becomes who we are?

The Accreditation Checklist At A Glance



  • Our individual descriptions of a healed planet, which represents the quantum reality we're shifting to.
  • Our contribution to a healed planet through our business, which becomes our purpose.
  • The vision for our business as a movie synopsis, because it's an illusion after all.
  • The theme song for our quantum movie, because it's fun.


  • Detailed, empathetic messages for each of our 27 archetypes.


From a space of unconditional love:

  • Write 27 heartfelt blog posts on directed at our 27 archetypes.
  • Using the CoCo CareTree, buy coffees for fellow VMI members.
  • Share the CoCoCards of other members with our networks.
  • Contribute to the ongoing discussions around the everyday challenges of entrepreneurship by commenting and sharing on other members' blog posts.


  1. Support our members through the CoCo CareTree:
  2. Become a member of the Vibrational Marketing Institute, which is an automatic benefit of joining the Conscious Collaborators Hub:
  3. Sponsor the evolution:
  4. Schedule time to chat with me so we can explore this even further:
  5. Ask questions, provide feedback, and contribute your thoughts in the comments section below.
  6. Share this post with people who may benefit, contribute, or support.

With love and gratitude



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