A Belief is Just a Thought You Keep Thinking
Linda Lange
Change & Energy Coach ??Learn how to make the right changes in your life to feel joyful & energized again
Have you ever thought about what a belief actually is? When I ask you to describe to me what a belief really is and how it gets created, could you explain it to me? Don’t worry if not. And it’s actually much more simple than you might think.
A Belief is Just a Thought You Keep Thinking
But when it comes down to it, a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. That’s it! Let me say that again: A belief is just a thought you keep thinking. The whole world is made out of beliefs. Nearly everything is just a belief and not a fact. There are particular physical laws like the law of gravity that are facts. But nearly everything we believe to be true is just a belief.?
Lots of our beliefs are created in our childhood. When we are young we don’t yet have a fully formed analytical mind, so all information, and all data we encountered as children went straight into our subconscious mind and were accepted as a belief.?
But there are as well tons of beliefs we create and program into our subconscious mind as adults. And don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with beliefs. They make our life easier. We don’t need to keep thinking about something as it turns into a belief and becomes a program in our subconscious mind. So beliefs are time and energy savers and necessary for us to live our lives.?
Some beliefs can hold us back
But there can be beliefs that hold us back. Often we have beliefs that are standing in the way of our dreams. Beliefs can limit our potential and stop us from achieving our vision or goals. Sometimes you already know that you want to let go of a certain belief, but most often there are beliefs that you are unconscious of that are standing in your way.?
You might have heard me say this before: 5% of our mind is conscious, and 95% of our mind is unconscious – so who do you think rules your life? Your conscious or unconscious mind. So would it not be important to know what kind of beliefs are there buried in the 95%? Especially if you want to change something in your life.
Your beliefs can self-sabotage all your efforts
If you are not aware of this knowledge that I just shared with you, that beliefs are just thoughts but that they are programmed into your subconscious mind, then you can easily self-sabotage any of your efforts without even knowing it through that unconscious programming.?
Just imagine that you would like to receive a pay increase or want a promotion that gives you a pay bump. But you have money beliefs in your subconscious mind that will not support you in earning more money. Or you are struggling to lose weight and you are wondering why you can’t because you are doing everything correctly in the 3D world. Well, you probably have beliefs in your subconscious mind that won’t allow your body to lose that extra weight.?
Do you see how you can spend a lot of time, energy and sweat in your life, in your 3D world and go nowhere because there are beliefs inside of you that won’t allow you ever to get there??
What you believe you become!
In other words, you could say: What you believe you become. If you believe something to be true or fact, it influences your every choice, your actions and behaviours. So you behave in a certain way and over time you become the person who fully believes this fact – it has become part of who you are. You don’t think that thought anymore consciously, it’s an automatic program that runs in the background so you don’t ever have to look at it again. Sounds scary, right? Well, it is once we become aware of it. But do you see already the potential that this gives you knowing this?
Who or what do you blindly believe?
And it’s not just about what you already believe and have stored in your subconscious mind. What about new beliefs that you keep creating? Who do you just believe? Your doctor, your boss, your partner, your parent? Or maybe more subtle but even more powerful: the news channel, the radio station on the drive to work, the company newsletter, certain people you follow on social media, articles that are shown on your phone in the news feed.?
Take a second and reflect on whom you just blindly believe. What information gets into your subconscious mind on a daily basis and you take it for a fact and just let it in?
Again, I am not saying there is something wrong with believing. I want you to become aware that what you believe is who you become. So would it not make sense to be more selective of the things you just take for a fact? To be more selective of what information you let into your subconscious and that becomes a part of who you are – maybe for the rest of your life?
We see reality for who we are?
Nobody ever sees reality for what it truly is. We see reality for who we are. Because the different beliefs we take on create a perception and when we look at the world, we see the world through the lens of this perception.?
So you look at what is real, and your subconscious mind adds a layer of perception that you have and that will create your reality. Another person can look and experience the same thing and will create a different reality from it, through the lens of their perception of this thing.
Your beliefs and thoughts pull your strings like a puppet
When I started to understand all of this, I realized how much of my life I was living as a victim, as a bystander, as a puppet that let different people, institutions and structures pull the strings in my life.?
That’s when I woke up and realized that I want to pull my own strings. I want to be more the creator of my life and less the victim of my life.?
I always say to my clients that for the first half of my life, I just filled up my basement, the basement being my subconscious mind, with all that junk that I never really looked at. And now in the second half of my life, my mission is to declutter one corner of the basement after the other.?
What is buried in the basement of your subconscious mind?
I want my basement back. I want to know what is lurking behind that cupboard or what is buried in those boxes. I want to make sure I can chuck out as much crap as I can. I have started doing this work now for a couple of years and it has changed my life to the degree that I don’t know my former self anymore. It’s magical!
Was it difficult at the beginning? Hell yes. But that did not stop me. Once I know, I know. There is not really a way back for me anymore. The only way is through. And it gets easier and things come out of that woodwork quicker and more often because I get better at listening and dealing with it.?
I mentioned this before: The subconscious mind is so protective of you physically, mentally and spiritually that it will just hand you a box to open and declutter that you are ready to declutter. It won’t let you get to a deeply buried box if you are not ready. So please, please, please don’t be scared of this kind of deep work. It’s magical, it’s transformational and it’s so worth it.?
It’s your choice: Look at your beliefs or look away!
Like I said in the introduction this is not an episode where I tell you what to do next. This is already a life-changing moment if you allow this to be a life-changing moment for you. So I just want you to sit with this and all I want you to do is make up your mind.?
Either you accept this realization and decide to do something with it and become the creator of your life and less the victim in your life.?
Or you don’t because you think you are not ready or that this is too hard or that this is not true or it does not apply to you. Then don’t let me hold you up. Just hop off now. I won’t be mad!
Journaling questions to discover limiting beliefs
But if you are completely sold and this message has clicked big time for you and you are, like me, an action taker then I will give you a few powerful questions that you can use to discover your hidden limiting beliefs.?
These are 3 powerful questions that you can journal on to discover your limiting beliefs. Just if you want to!
Let me support you in decluttering your limiting beliefs
This is deep work. And you might want some help with it. Waking up to all of this can be a bit overwhelming at first. That’s why I teach the most powerful program that gives you all the knowledge and tools to put this into practice and to become the creator of your life. My mission is to help every person who is ready to wake up and take back the strings in their lives.
Take this as a message that you are ready to wake up to this new perspective of how you can create and live your life. Come and join us in the?Change Your Mind…Create New Results program?where I will support and guide you for 3 months on becoming the creator of your life. The only person pulling your strings, in the end, is going to be you.