Belief and fear narratives
Swati Ramamurthy
Leadership Coach / Human Capital Strategy / Organizational Effectiveness / L&D / Digital Transformation / Change Practitioner / Storytelling Enthusiast
Below conversation(s) is intended to offer possibilities to everyone reading in case they find themselves in similar situation(s) (these represent a fictional context inspired by multiple similar conversations).
No matter whether we are people of positive belief(s) disposition or victims of fear / bias disposition – there is always route to empowering thoughts thereby reframing those beliefs and overcoming those fears in pursuit of S.M.A.R.T personal cum professional goals.
Situation 1 - A client wanting to explore new career possibilities due to sudden loss of job and wanting to take first few confident steps to get the momentum.
Client 1: I believe ___________ profession has lot of prospects for me and I wish to pursue it (#Belief)
Coach: Aware of fact that mentioned profession is very different from what they are currently in, questions: What makes you say that?
Client 1: huge prospects to make money and have been meaning to get into it! (#motivation)
Coach: Fair enough, what makes you say you are ready now to pursue this career change now?
Client 1: I have _________, ______________, ____________ skills, keen knowledge and interest. I can leverage my networks from previous experience and start off. (#facts)
Coach: So, what stopped you before?
Client 1: one and many reasons - Never got the first platform to get started, got placed through campus, needed the money to pay off loans, created a name for self, took up high paying jobs thereafter, got into comfort zone. (#CircumstancesLimitingBelieving)
Coach: What about present circumstance is making you take action to pursue this career now?
Client 1: out of job now, anyway had stopped learning and growing in previous one, ready to take some risks to pursue things I could not do before. (#FacingFears)
Coach: Any thoughts to hedge your risks to avoid derailing in new pursuits?
Client 1: can think of following action areas: (#Goals, #ReframedBelief)
Situation 2 - Another client fighting fears and in state of disbelief on account of sudden loss of job, wants a job and re-start.
Client 2: I don’t know what to do – I have lost my job, I am the only earning member, this was the only source of engagement, not many job vacancies of this role exist, I have to take care of my family. (#LimitingBelief, #Fears)
Coach: Aware of fact that concerned person was aged, had been in a semi-skilled job role prone to automation and clearly financial stability is important for them, questions: it seems you know what do to, perhaps think how do you intend to do it?
Client 2: I have been trying last few months and I am still without any job? (#BiasForFamiliarity)
Coach: Fair enough, what can you do different from now on, to aim for different outcomes and make progress in getting a job?
Client 2: What do you mean different? I have been applying for positions in job portals _________, ___________ etc and speaking to consultants and networks and sharing my resumes; what more can I do? I am not getting any call back despite all the efforts. (#facts)
Coach: What non-negotiable reasons others could possibly have to make the effort of calling you (back)? Perhaps you may get answers for your above question by answering this question.
Client 2: one and many reasons – but I am trying to think non-negotiable ones. Unfortunately the experience I have had so far on job – has been clerical, with elements of _________, _________ skills similar to others, and outdated domain know-how. However I have one difference over others and possibly my core areas – I have always been specialist in __________ / my key strengths have been __________ / people often approached me / consulted me for _______. However how would I even get started on such a new path which has no precedence? (#ReframingBeliefs), #FacingFears)
Coach: in last 20 min of conversation – you have gone from “I don’t know what to do” to “how do I start in new path?” that’s progress from not having any direction to now you opting a direction and thinking further. So what does your internal GPS say about possible options of path?
Client 2: can think of following option(s): (#Motivation, #Goals)
Enabling senior executives lead with purpose; deepen business impact and expand their circle of influence | Mentor for Coaches - ICF | | Leadership Consultant | Perennial Student
10 个月Interesting narratives well captured Swati!