This is about belief. And about faith. But it is not about religion.
Esther Jacobs ??
Conservation Storyteller ~ Advocate for Nature ~ Aquaphile ~ A Scot in South Africa ????????
It is about my belief… science.
Is climate change real?
Yes, it inarguably is, because science proves it. Science strives for objectivity and is built on evidence. It is data, and facts, not subjective or based on opinions. And science doesn’t lie. In time, more data might become available to update previous scientific facts, and not because a lie was told and the truth came out. But because science is always learning and growing.
I don’t believe the politicians, who are notorious deceivers. I don’t believe the influencers who spout their biased opinions for more engagement and more money. And I don’t believe the armchair warriors who cherry-pick headlines and statistics to fit their narratives without understanding the full context or science behind them.
I do believe the biologists
who are demonstrating daily that we are on a fast track to losing countless biodiversity because of our greed, and our need for more and more land, materialistic goods, fossil fuels, convenience goods, and on, and on.
I do believe the ecologists
who can quantify the knock-on effect of our over-exploitation and habitat destruction and its impact on wildlife and ecosystems.
I do believe that our activities, including pollution, overfishing, and deforestation are driving an unprecedented decline in biodiversity.
One million species are currently threatened with extinction; many within the coming decades. How do I know this? Because I believe the many scientists who collaborated to produce the report to support this fact. To prove this fact.
So if you do ask me about my religion. I will tell you my belief. I believe in science, Mother Earth, and my utter faith in scientists to provide us with actionable hope for the future, for my daughters, and for all future generations.
So thank you to the scientists, to the biologists, ecologists, climatologists, oceanographers, meteorologists, botanists, zoologists, hydrologists, and conservation scientists. You are my leader, my faith, and my hope. I salute you and everything you do for our planet.
Sign the petition to protect National Park Service staff via National Parks Conservation Association .