Belarus, Poland, Russia, EU UK-Integrated Plan for Peace (Part 1)
Kurdistan, Belarus, Poland, Russia, EU, UK- An Integrated Plan for Peace- Part 1
98% of all University graduates in the the Kurdistan area where the refugees originate are not getting any employment. The city of Halabja which was bombeed with chemical weapons in 1988 was one of the reasons that the 1.1 trillion war occured in Iraq, yet it would cost?just £2 million to sent the people back to the region and changes in policy to help them economically.?
The reality is that the region of Kurdistan although autonomous is in dispuit with the Iraqi government. Whilst thousands of migrants have left the region, unless there is a change of policy between the West and Iraq in the context of the Kurdistan region then this economic migration has only just begun. There are six million other people in that region. Yet, there are more Kurds in the world than Australians and almost as many as all Canadians.?When it's considered that Australia and Canada are the second and the sixth largest countries in the world and they have more than 17 million kilometres of land between them for their people to enjoy, the Kurds with a population between them have zeo territory of their own that they own and are in complete control of. So the Kurdish people do not have a country and so are refugees looking for a country. It's the failure of International politics that's created this situation. it's not the fault of any one country, it's the fault of every country.?There needs to be either one or more Kurdiatan's. A place where the Kurds really do have autonomy and a viable economy created whether they are part of a larger country or not.?
This is not a Poland or EU problem, this is a United Nations problem. This is a NATO problem, this is a diplomatic problem.?How can it be that £1.1 trillion pounds was spent militarily trying to help and save the Kurds and the help was so badly spent that the Kurds of Iraq today are on the border of Europe. There is a totally failing economy in the area, there are areas poisoned in the area, there are policies in the area by the Iraqui government that is preventing the region from recovering. Whilst I do not know the ins and outs of the politics between Bagdad and Erbil, whilst there is an agenda of Kurdistan nationhood and indipendence. The fact is that this is clearly a world issue and not only an issue between The Iraq government and the people of Erbil, the forth largest city in Iraq.?
So the cost of flights the into Europe of 2, 3 or even 100,000 people is not the answer. The answer is to negotiate on a global level with the government of Iraq and if there is not a deal that can be done with the Iraqi government for their to be economic inititiatives specifically created to help that so considered autonomous region to be able to economically progress enough for people to have a viable life there. If they want to vacate the area of the chemic poisoning Halabaja then there shoudl be the means to be a ble to resettle in an area not contaminated with chemical weapons. A diplomatic and economic opportunity is the answer to the migration crisis from Kurdistan.?
Refugees, and the war of logic, peace and power.?
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” John?Stuart. The people smugglers that are expointing failed diplomatic issues need to be stopped in the place where they are originating.?
The world has been progressing through the climate agreement in Glasgow. Yet, that's not enough. The non presentation at the coference of dessert regeneration concpets that Integrated Strategy work has generated is a part of the answer to this issue that is not presented and considered and therefore, it's the narrative in the West that's the problem and specifically in the UK with the non-support and endorsement of the exact type of content and work that this region needs as too do so many of the regions in the world where there are refugeee issues originating or where new economic answers can be derived from semi dessert regions, whilst the people simultaneously generate answers to their own economic situation they answer the needs of climate change by regeenrating the semi dessert areas affected by climate change.??
Politics leaves people on the sidelines not feeling appreciated, geo-politcs leaves countries on the side lines not feeling appreciated either. The West spent 1.1 trillion on helping liberate and help the Kurds, yet the support and help stopped. The Kurda Supported the West in Syria and yet the West supported the Kurds nowhere soically or economically. The only comment made when Kurdish allied died in Syria was of ' a game'. it's true there is ' a game' it's a game of inhumane neglect of an entire people. There are two ways to be cruel to people or to animals, one way is to be directly cruel as Sadamm Husein was, the other is simply to neglect. It's the second form of cruelty to the Kurds that is occuring today.??
Looking to the solving of the climate for answers.
I presented a strategy to the organisers of COP26 conference of their beign an exhibition on how it's feasible to ecologically regeenrate the countries that have been affected by both conflicts, diplomatic impasses and santions. I did not hear back from the organisers and now there is this situation here and additionally a very fragile situation in Afghanistan too. A potential famine in North Korea. A refugeee exodus in South and Central America to North America which could potentially be very substantially reduced by teaching the regeneration of dessert and degraded lands. These are the same ways and means that can also potentially resolve the fishing dispuit between the UK and France. It's the agenda of Boris Johnsons government that is preventing the knowledge needed to be learned and applied by the world from being heard and applied. They simply are incapable of understanding the difference between dessert regeneration for agriculture and economic regeneration and agriculture. They are not adapting to the fact that there is a spent and used enviornment that it is feasible to be able to regenerate with the correct levels of knowlesge being taught to the top UIniversity lecturers. The truth is there is a combination of arrogance and ignorance in the policy making in the UK that is holding back the innovation and answers required to solve so many climate issues around the world in order to help prevent these vast migrations from occuring.?
International diplomacy in the face of war caused by the failure to acknowledge political science.?
Diplomacy is cold, a hug is warm, wars are hot. The thermostat can be set on the planet by planting trees and we need to keep the thermostat in terms of relations better set by increasinging cordial relations. cordial is a drink, sitting down taking with a drink with people we do and don't agree with is the essense of all the progress in this world that's ever been made. Yet, to get to the point of being able to have those cordial relations requires that letters are not ignored as mine have been for the past thirty years in terms of having climate answers, some of these have changed the entire world's third sector and stopped conflicts and wars three times and yet this work is simply not heard and allowed to be known within the UK.?Yet, it's the positioning of looking towards win-win that generates the answer to all the big problems in the world and in communities.?
Win-win is the way to go in a world where win-lose no longer works.
Win-lose has been the order of politics and Parliments for centuries, it no longer works properly, yet if there is true analysis of the older Parliament in the world in the UK then the Parties of The Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats all established themselves with the basis of win-win being a part of their core value systems. Conervatives were calling for the equal human rights for all after the Abolition of slavery, Labour were asking for better working conditions for the worker, they were not saying worse working conditions for the wealthy. They were win-win, whilst the liberal democrats were created to represent the views and opinions of the most diverse range of society. In the light of today, where there is a win-win philosophy that has originated from the UK, that has helped improve the world, thm not acknolwedging this, not any of these parties fully are operating out of a win-lose paradigm, which is not central to the core belief system of any of them. So the fact is UK politics has progressed Integrated Strategies are on the world stage, yet UK politicians are more interested in focussing on the light and shadows rather than seeing what's occuring on the stage. The non acknowledgement of Integrated Strategy work has become more than a farse it would be completely ridiculous, yet the issues that the Integrated Strategy work is answering needs not only to be fully heard today, it really needs to be instigated. Integrated Strategies are the biggest thing in International politics since the invention of capitalism, socialism, communism, corporatism, colonialism and selfishnisism.?
The fisheries issue is being caused by a sel-fisheries issue in politics.?
That is politicians copying my work, calling it there own and not allowing for only the interpreted and non original answers to be heard.??
The best way to generate many cordial relations is to begin with some. Beign the first to make a move towards something better is contageous, believing in the best intentions of others does more than believing in the least good intentions of others. So there is a way to better answers that are feasible however, it requires a sense of really wanting to have answers and of seeing people as people wanting to be in a win-win paradigm more than a win-lose paradigm. A win-lose paradigm is no longer creating divide and rule over people or another, it's giving the implications of a neglected Earth a win over all of us, in its response. So win-lose between people creates win-lost to all people, the Win the Earth gets in taking back control the lose the people get. We can only win it together, a good future or we are all in it together, a place of chaos and degridation of lifestyles for all.?
?We need to effectively 'appease the Earth' with a few trillion trees to begin with or more and the way to do that is not for anyone person to have to pay the bill for all those trees, but through the clever use of Integrated Strategy design to turn all types of problems in the world into solutions with trees planeted along the way. The answer to all the problems in the world, most, almost all of the big prolems is relatively easy with Integrated Strategies applied very broadly, more so than today.
Win-lose, where it originates from and how to?
Yes, you can meet anger, yet most anger projected is anger that's created and fed inside, so therefore have sympethy for angry people, for every bit of anger they put into the world they have experienced ten times more inside themselves, feel sorry for them, they shouldn't be running countries, just put the button down, no not that button, I did not mean in that way, opps!
An act of goodwill made from ten countries, all at once, to ten other countries that have been considered rivals or not so significant on the International stage can create a change on a massive scale.?
The world is too close to a break down in communications over the migrant issue. This focused in one place, and all the countries around cite, it wasn't our fault. If it wasn't just so calous the whole situation, then it would be ridiculous. The most powerful countries in the world lost and at loggerheads with armies totalling entire GDP's combined with weapons totallaling trillions and a whole lot more preparing for what to do next due to over a thousand or so people, mostly children, stitting on the ground who have next to nothing. The test iis in the context of humanity, values, the most profound analysis of what it means to be human and humane. The wrong response by any side will leave an indelible mark in the psyche of man forever.?
It's an issue that the countries dealing with the crisis did not start, yet need to find a way to finish, yet if they do not finish it well change perceptions on what it means to be human, to do the right thing. Is it worth having a nuclear war over the refugee issue? No.?There has never been a war won that was caused by a war that did not previously work out as planned. War creates more refugees and doen't resolve the refuge issue that was started the war in the first place.?To start a war over the refugee issue would be like breaking a lighbult to order a meal in a restaurant, lets call this notion other than a sensible answer geo-political autisam. Truth is we need simple servicable answers. Not reneacting the problem that cuased the refugee probelm in th first place. World leaders are sensible people generally that find themselves in unsensible situations and ususally can sound sensible in the way they get out of the situation, yet in this case the easist way to look at the situation is just how serious the situation potentialy is and then consider is there a way that all the powers in the world can muster just to solve this one??
Good will gestures vs not-good will gestures.?
Media misrepresentation. Is a massive problem. A lack of effective representation North Korea is adding to famine, In Afghanistan is holding back the development of the country, Iran still in the naughty boys club when in fact there is the desire to talk, to re-set to allow for new thinking. Russia is even naughtier feom saving the planet from war many times and yet not being acknowledged. Whilst they were accused of medling in the US election in the USA nationally, they were at the same time geo-politically dotting all the i#s and crossing all the t's and preventing media serving policies of the West from creating geo-political meltdown so many times in recent year. The fact that the question is asked in term sof meddling with elections is ironic as the simple fact of the matter is that elections that have been had have been had due to the peace making positioning in many case of Russia in the first place. Where the Americans and the Allies pulled out, like in Syria there was?a bear that put itself into pole position to say no more shenanigans between different countries that if there had have been would have created a tyep of meltdown.?
So the brash, razmataz of elections took place in the press, yet the maneouvering of Russia in various scenarios, like Armegedon scenarios's was creating and generating peace and stability. Without that the result of elections, any elecctions would have been largely irrelevant.?
The side you are on in any matter is perhpas more transient than you think. sides always are in a flux of change.?
It doesn't always matter what side you are on, sides always change, what matters the most is the people most in a position to cause the most harm are on the side of peace. In todays world there are no rational decision making processes that could lead a strategist to consider that a war is a good idea. That is due to the fact that if you were at the gates of heaven wondering how you got there as something so fast had occured and changed, that it changed before you even knew what had occured. There would be three people in your life that would stand out as being the three people that most influenced your entire life on the planet Earth that you had lived upon. The first one woudl be your father, without his interjection of your mother your story would not have begun. The third person would most likly be a person who's face you never saw as it is, a person who's hands you never touched, a person who's voice you never actually heard directly from the horses mouth. That person you may not know his name, you may not know anything significant about his country, you will only have seen a digitalised form of that person on television.?
That person will have had the power, and the capacity to undo all of the goodwork that your mother and father did in bringing you into the world. That person could be the leader of a country that decides for his own reason to not go to peace, but instead to follow another path to war. The implications of one leader in geo-politcs influence and affect the decsion making processes of every other leader. They are given the choice to either do everything or to do nothing. The do everything camp theen alter and change the world more so than anything or anyone ever has. In comparrison Starlin, Hitler and Chuchill were like boys with toys as the world last century was only just militarily growing up. When we are children we a big and huge, we are cowboys one day Indians the next, we a doctors, nurses and great leaders, we are also very naughty at times and throw our toys out of the pram, scream, shout and stamp our feet. It's only as we grow and mature do we come to really sense the position of fairplay that's required in so many situations. We become conscious of other peoples needs and requirements. We become more conscious as a people than a person only.?
When we are children we have the ego's to blow the entire world up if our mummy and daddy does not buy us our favourite sweet. Yet, luckily we do not have the capacity to do that so we are told not to be naughty or we will be punished.?
Occasionally, when we are children we meet special people that we feel really do understand and appreciate us, more than our parents do. More than others do, these people we just have raport with. They connect to us on a deeper and in a more meaningful way than all others. These people enable us to feel more complete, more our real selves, aside from all of the projected content and stuff of other people who think we are as we are.?It's these special close realtions, this type of assured confidant, advisor, helped and supporter that we have in childhood that leaders tend to want to have and to need. A behind the scenes sort of person that can just say how it is when that information is wanted and needed the most. Someone that can give good clear rational advice. Someone that can look beyond the paradigms of interpretation of who and what this person is that plays out to the public and actually connect on a real and proper more soul to soul level.?
The support structures that are the most important to us in life are not the walls that we surround oursleves in, so many matterials can be fashioned into shelter of one kind or another. The most important support structures we have in our lives are not actual infrastructure at all, if we lived out in the woods like our ancestors did we would make the best use of what was around and find ways to progress, the best suport structures that we have are other people, other people's minds and their sense of compassion and sturdiness in supporting our sense of balance and reality.
When we walk down the street we pass many people, the vast majority of those people care enough for others and themsleves to allow you to pass and for you to allow them to pass. We go into shops wherever we are in the world, there is a standardised peace protocol that exists everywhere. We exchange a pass word with each other that enables other people to know that we are on the same side. That password changes in different countries however in English the word is Hello or Good morning. Good morning is actually a bit of a fib as the phrase is said assuming that it is a good morning and if we were to properly consider this no two mornings of our lives are ever the same so therefore. it's one of those spit in my face and I will say it's rainign sorts of statements. However, it does work well in order to bring a sense of peace and stability and structure into our introductory relations.?
So the three biggest influencers of our lives our Mother, our Father and this other person that we most likly never see in a physical form, the leader of a country that makes a bad decision the chances are the day in which they make that decision they are not thinking clearly enough of the implications of their actions. If that morning they had woken up and had ten people say in different ways thank you. I love you. You are a wise a great person, you provide me with hope, you fill me with the chance to a good future, you help my day, my week my life. if there were any forms of statments like this then they would have been made with the most subtle of accompanyments which would have been the subtle communication of love and appreciation.?
Even a smile, a single smile or a hug can and does influence how we feel, affect our mood and change our day. An act of war and aggression, when there really is another chance, another option in the past was failed thinking, it was flying in contrast to all of the positive feelings and communications we had been given previously in our lives by so many people.?War is the choice we make in not giving a chance in life to someone we do not know.?
The decision for one man to kill another man he does not know is always much harder than the decision that a leader makes in order to order someone to do the killing on their behalf. What happens if the person about to be killed provides the same type of smile to the prrson doing the killing as that special person to them did when they were a child. That special smile or look that said, I do really understand you and I do really appreciate you as a person for who you really are. Humanity have set thmsleves up as soldiers and as an extension of the killing machines we have manufactured and yet the truth is that everyone is uncomfortable using them. Everyone, even the most angry or disfunctional person cannot be angry and destructive all of the time.?
We are all peacemakers of sorts, every time we make a greeting to other people, we are much better, much more comfortable as peacemakers than war makers. Every war fills up the hospitals alot and the psychiatric hospitals even more. The injuries of war are more psychological than they are physical. Men can be trained to have the emotions of robots, yet cannot sustain that for their whole lives, therefore every person that come home from war whether a victor or a loser actually comes home a loser. The psychological, and sociatal impacts and affects of war desroy a county. A war against another country therefore is an act of self harm against both countries as one country may be destroyed on the outside, whilst the other country is destoryed on the inside. War is such a trauma to a country that a healing process needs to occure for generations, if not perminently in the form of days of rememberance.?
These days remmeber the dead, rememebr the cause and either reinformce the concept that the war was really necessary or that the war was really justified. There are many more memorials to war than there are to peace. There are no mamorials to wars that were wrong and unnecessary yet the question of whther a war was justified or not remains as much a part of a person's thinking and psyche long after all the noise, so much noise, so much disruption, so much fear, so much anger, so much conflussion is long over.?
The monuments to war are inside everyone that has participated in either war or in peace.?
War is so traumatic that the truth is that both every refugee and every soldier is harmed by war emotionally and mentally. The war in some never finishes and it's only agreements and improved agreements and actions of good will that can help the healing.?
Secondly, the blame game in and around Europe continues on the border of Poland. Poland are absolutely resolutely serious about not letting in the refugees from the failed, dangerous and wrong wars and their implications that have taken hold of much of the world since in the way of up some 70-80% of all News media coverage since they began. Great migrations of people, issues such as Brexit. Trump and a build a wall thinking in the USA brought in due in part to the implications of the wars and the refugee issues. Popularism generating simplistic answers that are not genuine, then when there has been popular support behind these ideas even for a moment, coupled with the supression of genuine polititcal strategy content that has then caused the delaying of answers for climate, peace and refugees and resulted in ever greater issues. Like as has happened in the UK due to corruption. So all the time that there is a focus by the politicians on problems and not solutions and potentisl solutions there is chaos being created. That chaos is where I predicted it would be months ago today with gunshots being fired with live ammunition in and around people that are trying to escape for the effects of the wars and the effects of climate.?
?Peacemaking and peacemakers have had almost net zero coverage of the dynamics of how to create peace and that's vital and essential to global climate progress. Integrated Strategy work that I write can be attributed to answers generated for The Korea's, Syria, Iran, Pakistan and India and yet my work and it's copywrite theft by four Prime Ministers is left unacknowledged to this day.?
So whilst Poland can blame Belarus for pushing the refugees towards the border, Belarus can blame Poland for pushing them back, Poland can blame Russia for this being an apparently proxy situation, the EU can blame Poland for making its own rules, the real blame is on the wars and those that created the wars in the first place. The effects of any one leadership in any one country can affect many generations of people and here we see the proof of this. The Suppression of Integrated Strategies, under The Integrity initiative and the non-use of An Integrated Strategy in the context of Afghanistan is the real reason for both the failed exit from Afghanistan and the lack of answers there are for countries like Iraq and Libia too and that is why these refugees have arrived at the border of Europe in the first place.?
Whilst Boris Johnson cites the success of COP and the Olympic Games what's not mentioned is that the Olympic Games were facilitated in the first place by the theft of my work by himslef and other politicians and the non transparency and truth of that in The House of Commons is why there is not the effective strategy that there otherwise could be for COP26 in Glasgow. The Olympic Committee cited for the awarding of The Olympic Games to London that this was due to 'The Imporvements made to London transport and that this was the deciding factor of why the Olympics were granted to London over Paris and Madrid. The document that set out how to imporve London's transport, that Johnson and his predecessor Ken Livingstone used, whilch explained how to transform London's transport in order to obtain the Olympic Games was from 'An Integrated Transport Strategy'. This plan was written due to the Prime Minister then Tony Blair and Ken Livingstone, The Mayor citing how ineffective London trasport was and there needing to be a consultant come forward with an answer. I had an answer and came forward they asked me as a consultant to write the document, then stole the work from me.?
So there is a misrepresentation of the true original work and that is part of a?big lie that is resulting in countless failures internationally and is in part responsible for misinformation worldwide on wars, peace, refugees, climate and all, yes all related issues. This is causing a massive failure and in just the past six months is a significant part of the cause to the issues in Afgnanistan, the failures to generate better answers in other parts of The Middle East, parts of Europe and the border of Poland and Belarus.?
?So the non acknowledgement of Integrated Strategies and how they have been used and have prevented major wars four times and generated more answers to more issues than any other philosophy of either this century or before is holding the enetire world back from the answers it could otherwise have.?
So selective narrative telling in politics, in the media is a type of corruption in the UK does it play a part in all of this problem? Yes, the answers to various conflicts and wars have been generated outside of Parliament, by myself yet nobody in Parliment will accept and support this. So the lack of transparency on a human rights issue in The House of Commons is s primry cause of the crisis on the border between Belarus and Poland. It is the primary cause of there not being affective answers in Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia and Iraq. It is the primary cause of the ineffective planning to exit Afghanistan, it is a primary cuase of their having been misrepresetnative media coverage in the USA and worldwide from 2004 until today in terms of the best stategy methodology for man dealing with and coping with the issues of today.?
Integrated Strategies have taken the world by storm in terms of peacebuilding and yet we need to take the world away from storm, Staying silent about Integrated Strategies helps perpetuate not a coherence towards answers, but a disengenuos pointing at the problems whilst standing in the way of the solutions.??
Our people our civilisation likes and needs a mild climate whether that's minus fifteen degrees or plus forty five degrees, if you do not consider those temperatures to be mild enough, then just realise what's coming. Hundreds of millions of ice melting in Greenland is creating a world we can barely guess at acurately in knowing what conditions will become like so very soon. The answers, the best answers to climate change are beign held back by the copying of much better original climate and refugee content being copied and plaguerised very inefficiently by politicians on a continula basis for years and decades. This is resulting not in the tirrlions of trees that need to be planets from getting planted.??
We need to create a culture that answers climate, peace and refugees simultaneously, not just documents, we have got that, except The House of Commons by not acknowledging Integrated Strategies, and so there does need to be a refom or the old methods of Parliament are actually obstructing the work which benefits the world including Parliament itslef. Opennes on Integrated Strategies is of critical importance to the efforts to keep saving the present from otherwise losses and disaster.?
However, for us to get to a better future and present requires that we do not only consider and solve the issues of today, no. It requires we go back and solve the issues that have been left over from wars throughout so much of the world that in turn created implications in almost all of the rest of the world.?
The reasons that mankind until now has not got really, really serious about the climate is due only to the fact we were distracted by charging into wars that were never really and properly justified in the first place. Iraq never posed as much of a threat to the world as the implications of invading Iraq do today in terms of the geo-political mess caused by the issues of refugees. The invasion of Iraq and other countries is the cause of a potential 'invasion of Poland' and therefore Europe of people that so desperately need help, escaping from the implications of war and a non acceptance of there people.?
The place Europe is today is the same place it was with refugees on the borders of Greece, Spain and Italy. It's the same place with refugee's in camps in France, like The Jungle. it's in the same place with Turkey, Jordan and many other countries in the Middle East being so over filled with refugees. It's the same place where there are groups and factions controlling countries and refugees are meerly the pawns in other political games. it's the same place where we are with the entire concept of human development and evolution at a cross roads where we are either going to go vertically up or vertically crash.?
The people in the woods between Belarus and Poland, may not knwo exactly how and why they got there. Whilst they may be getting pushed towards the border of Belarus they are also being pushed back and held in place by the Polish army determined not to let them in. So here we are in the midst of the chaos caused by wars where a few contractors did very wlll indeed they made fortunes on destroying and rebuiding countries, and yet the implications of all that, of them making their quick fast buck could if handled badly today bring down the barriers to Europe by causing an action and a reaction that puts Poland into a place of it's own like the UK. Polexit or not, we could be heading towards a scenario where we see the most ugly scenes in Europe since this decade a century ago or we are going to find a way through this everso entangled mess of a situaion and come out the other side.?
This Christmas is either going to be played out with people starving at the door and freezing to death in temperatures that broke both the Nazies and Napoleon or we are going to navigate a way through to a whole lot better situation. Well I present a way, a bit of a complicated and convoluted way I do accept and agree that can provide an answer, a real a viable answer. With Belarus and Russia in ever closer union in terms of politically and militarily, with Poland the new bad boy of the EU, yet supported by European countries in the other corner we are potentially in for a war that could have no limits if entered into. The cost of a war between Poland and Belarus begins with the costing of a war between a Russian ally and Poland backed up by Europe and the US. Where is China on this??We do not even need or want to consider that. From where we are today, the best option for Poland and for Belarus is finding a way to peace. There is no other really good other option. Yet, here we are with thousands of refugees seeking to push their way into Poland. Desperate people that want simply the chance and opportunity to survive and live in the world they found themsleves living within, when they cant find a way to progres in their own place of origin. A world that was created by decades of oppression and war bombing, and contracts passed out to then stop the destruction. The destruction of those areas are leading to chaos now, the war in Iraq is not over all the time there are not answers for the people that are viable.?
To clean up all the interconnected chaos created by these wars, coupled with the converging issues of climate change requires major moves towards maintaining stability and that requires going back and looking at the source of the problems and that is seemingly unlivable conditions in various countries. The Kurds are arriving in Europe as they are looking for a place to belong and leaving a place where they feel the do not fully belong.?
Lets get all the blame out of the way before progressing to the next level. Which is what to do from here.?
The European Union is one of the most effective peace making institutions in one of the most consistently peaceful and stable regions in the world. However, as John Lennon cited to make peace requires effort. An Integrated Strategy perspecive is in alignment with that, however that is 1970's thinking. 1980's thinking is we can take on the biggest problems in the world, band aid, 1990's thinking is we can create a new beginning, 00's thinking is interconnected. 10's thinking is we are interconnect around the wrong thing wars. 20's thinking is we can connect around answers, not problems.??
In order to get into the idea of being able to interconnect around answers and not only problems this can require mental gymnastics to a level that has never been accomplished and achieved before in politics and geo-politics. In the design of Integrated Strategies I have in the past written that the best way to start to solve some of the most complicated geo-political problems is to start by seeking to make them more complicated. Whilst that may sound counter intuitive, it's not. By introducing more data, more information one issue can be answered and solved by another aspect of what appears to be completely unrelated content. Effectively you are better able to build a house the more tools and materials you have available to call upon and use. A hammer can pull a nail out of a piece of wood, a crow bar can do that task better most of the time. A crow bar adds leverage, in terms of answering problems the greater expanse of the content being considered takes individual conversations from seeking to hammer home the point in one way or another to nbeing able to obtain vast leverage so that there is a win win for all. Frequently. a win-win is between two parties. However, in the context of the issue on the Polish/belarus border it's an issue between many parties. The implications of a reductionist way of thinking about the issue is that this Christmas we will see a vast amount of people freezing and some freezing to death in some of the harshest temperatures in Europe. Think Lenningrad think Napoleon, the winter that blows in to Europe on the Eastern fringes, is brutal an deadly. The images of war refugees on the borders of Europe freezing to death is what will be accompanying this years season of peace and goodwill, unless there is An Integrated Strategy applied that is win-win.
Lets look at the geo-political content being presented on this issue.
Poland is accusing Belarus. Belarus is citing economical reasons, the new programs talk only of the problems rather than the potential answers. What could it take to anser this??
To appreciate the levels of win-win. We have to look at the current loose-loose postion everyone is in now.
The EU and Poland in a loose loose over the courts issue and the fine given to Poland.
Belarus in a Loose Loose by having the refugees in Belaruse.???
The UK and EU in a Lose Lose over the Fisheries.
Belarus saying that it could cut off the gas supply to EU if the EU instigates sanctions. Germany and France need this, France threatening ot cut of supplies to the UK over the Fisheries.
The EU considering major fines to Hungry over LGBT issues and Poland over Judgements made that are out of alignment with the EU.?Russia sending nuclear bombers over Belarus. Refugees arriving in Minsk and being moved towards the border. Whilst the refugees are stuck at the border of Poland, Poland itself due to the timing of this with the judges issues is in for the first time in many years a sandwich situation again with the EU on one side and Belarus and feasibly Russia on the other. This is anything other than a comfortable position for Poland, and the historical repeating of the past should not go unnoticed. However, since the reelction of President Lukesahenko and the protests that occured in the wake of that Poland and Belarus have had closed borders. With the potential for more sanctions and yet the threat of reciprocal measures in the way of cutting gas, not agreeing gas contracts, the winter closing in, there is a very quickly escilating crisis. I would like to do more analysis of this past and present how we got to this point, however lets look at the stress points of this whole situaion to begin with.
The refugees are mostly from a few areas in Kurdish Iraq.?
The refugeees are mostly from Iraq, from minority groups and mostly from one of three towns, cities. Then others are from Syria. They are playing between £12,000-15,000 to obtain travel. So there is a major business in this trade of desperation. What a part of the issue is, is that Kurds do not have there own country. There are issues in all the countries they are in and yet the worlds diplomatic landscape with all factors considered with all good actions that have gone unnoticed and unacknolwedged by world leaders, surely there is a way for one country in the world, a world that stretches from the Polish border to Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan to pay it forward to help the rest of the world. The reality is that for both Poland and for the EU there is a problem here. The idea that refugees are being used as a means to assert International pressure on other countries for political gain is unpalitable, too unpalatable in a world of sensible leaders with extroardinary power.??
This is all a very Integrated mess. Yet, this is occuring in a world where there have been extraodinary gestures of kindness to help different people in times of genuine need. Now is one of those times once again. Lets review this Russia stepped in and helped the entire world in Syria, by mediating as the US pulled out. In Afghanistan China and Russia did the same.?In Ireland all sides put peace first and the whole of the EU benefited since. In terms of The Koreas the USA and North Korea got onto the best footing they have been in for seventy years. In terms of India and Pakistan there was again some of the best diplomacy in decades and allowing bygones to be bygones and allowing for the safe passage of Sikhs between places of pilgrimage and prayer. There have been many enlightened actions by many leaders. There has been the bridging of differences between different parties and leaders in the EU over refugee issues between Turkey and the EU. In the context of just have far gone the world was in terms of multiples of diplomatic and conflict related issues, the world has progressed. There has been an acceptance of the past and the chance for something better today in such a compicated world of so many people seeking out a place to be that simply works for them.?
Where is the way through? The path could be along the Silk Route.
Iran places itself as a great world power and a leader. It actually is in so many ways and when it's considered that the journey across to the America's by Christobal Colon was made in order to find an alternative route to travelling the silk Route to Asia. The position and the role of Iran in the world has been central throughout the ages. It's only in recent years that it's capacity as a country metaphorically had it's wings clipped and yet whilst there have been moany issues between the West and Iran. There have been issues between Iran and Israel. Today there is a broader understanding and awareness that the friends of our friends can be good enough aquaintances to do a deal with.?
So with the consideration in mind that the USA and China have put differences aside and opened up a central agreement and partnership on climate there is a bridge of goodwill once again between the USA and China, not to mention of course the relief to all, that both China and Russia did provide a stabalising capcity in the transfer of power back to the Taliban in Afghanistan.?
With Integrated Strategy modelling can we go further? We can't mess around any more tinkering with global diplomacy, I do like the approach and the thinking that we can percieve a country as being potentially the main instigator of problems, yet that also does give them the capcity to become themain instigator of solution and answers. Geo-politics is actualy so much more interesting if we can actually become a lot less intellegent with remmebering all the details of the past that put us against other people. Amnesia is good for geo-politics, sometime we do all have to think like Poles to progress and when people have spat in our face we question if that was a spot of rain. We have to be like that sometimes and I believe that the current EU cluster crisis, as caused by wars and things in the past is generating a disfuntional geo political landscape in some many ways. It's best to consider something new, something completely new. But before we do that, lets just do a quick check list on which countries have been in recent years saving the world and keeping it stable.
1. Russia with Azerbaijan and Armenia.
2. USA and Russia with Syria, Turkey and Israel.
3. USA, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, The Phillipines, The Uk and The EU.
4. India and Pakistan.
5. Israel, USA and Iran.
6. Afghanistan, China and Russia.
These are the countries that have maintained world order, the world infrastructure in recent years. In geo-politics it is as much as what is said as what is not said and so this list is anything other than complete. However, just to say that the leaders of all these countries at the right time is what's kept the world going, they have each and everyone of them saved the world. They have saved humanity and the high standards of humanity and human interaction in ways that are unknown and unrespecited and appreciate by a very significant proportion of people in the world. The incredible irony is that political issues and differences may have been known, voiced, reported and discussed in the media when in every case there were so many other moving parts of a situaion occuring.?
So if anything is to be said about this time it could come as a moan, a complaint or a grevience. That is a bit like a kitten meowing after it's just been resuced from a flood, perhaps completely unaware of just how much of a vulnerable postion it had just been in. Yet, that's true for so many of us. We rarely consider just how volnerable we are in the world. How our sense of security and wellbeing could be dependent upon three factors, the first two we know very well our parents. Our Mothers and Fathers, the third though could be some leader in some far off country and we barely know his or her name. yet, if that leader chooses to be abything much more than a very good leader doing his best, then the geo-political fall out from that could be more or greater to us as people, as individuals than anything else we have ever encountered in our lives.?
So from that respect, the world people are dependent entirely upon the whims of a few, the logic of a few the humanity of a few and the intellegence of a few. We have been fortunate in the times that we now live to have leaders that have been prepared and willing to talk, to make deals with people so different from themsleves that they never even knew or had relationships with prior to them being in postions of great power and influence. It's not untrue to suggest that it's feasible to write a very long list of their faults as is the case with any leader. We do not have non-sinners running countries. We have people warts and all in charge of countries. Whilst there has been a type of stick based diplomacy for many generations, for every generation that changed with the conversations that Reagan and Gorbechev had. That changed with the conversations that De Clerk and Mandella had, that changed with the talks and the agreements that the Catholics and the Protestants had in Ireland. We do have many templates to peace and stability. we do also have vulnerability, yet more important than that we have the capcity to think and then to rethink most of the factors we may of at some time considered to be outright truths.??The path to living well on this planet and us making it through to the next century requies that we become very good at saying I prefer your idea to my own idea.?
it's that form of flexible approach that can get us through successfully to the next century. Very much thinking that this is the only way generates as much thinking to suggest something else.?
Well looking at all this from an Integrated Strategy perspecive, we need to find a pivot point, without there being too many obvious answers.
So the pivot point I have found is Iran. From Iran it's feable to generate a potential answer. Yet, it's true to say there are potentially many potential countries that can lend a hand a reciprocal deal based upon latteral thinking generated answers.?
My experience speaking with refugees at The Jungle camp and working with the friends of refugees in Spain taught me that a combination of hopeless living conditions in countreis of origin combined with unrealistic expectations of what life is really like in other countries when this meets desparation, people travel, they try to escape the imposible social conditions they are in. So the answer is to create the conditions so they do not feel the need to leave in the first place and in order to do that is comlicated and requires continual thinking, innovation improvement and a sense of duty as it was both wars and climate that are putting them into this situation in the first place.?
The people are given misinformation upon misinformation of what the Western Europe is even like. I heard accounts from people that did not speak English that wanted to come to England that in England everything is free, you can stay in bed all day and do nothing and get whatever you want and need for free. So England and other countries does seem like a type of Utopia, of course anyone that actually lives in England knows it to be different, howerver that's not what dubbed James Bond and Miss Marple which may be the only types of information they have of the UK, other than Brexit of course give the impression of. I was told by Mamadu that he has as many childred as possible as that is his NHS, that is his guarentee that he will be looked after when he is old. Facts, figures and statistics do show that when a person in a developing world country has a better lifestyle they have less children by choice. So there are many factors that come into play, however perception, the hulf between percpetion and reslity is a major issue.??So the film footage of the refugee camp as it is and of people staying in camps and not being admitted to Europe should be used to encourge people not to travel and become refugees. There are people that are coming to Europe for medical help. What could be better and much lower cost is to add on a module to medical school in Universities throughout Europe that puts doctors in their final module working in developing world countries. These are tactics though and from this there needs to be a better answer. A complete strategy so here it is.?
Integrated Strategy for Poland, Belarus, Europe and peace.
There are more Kurds than there are Australians in the world, there are a few less Kurds than Canadians. Some 30 Million people without an agreed homeland. Remember it was the gassing of the Kurdish people by Saddam Hussein which was one of the justifications for the war in Iraq, yet today so many are in the refugee camps on the border.?
There has to be a better answer for the Kurds, they have been allies to the West in Syria. Would the West. So the Allies of Europe, many of which gave their lives are not being given a chance or even food or water in some cases. The problem now is on the border to Belarus, yet the problem was also at the Jungle and is also in the sea off the coast of the UK. The refugee issue is an issue that will not go away and yet it is affecting all relations. If there is a combination of the best solution orientated thinking that factors in peacemaking, refugee incremental answers, win-win logic, lateral thinking. Seeing the issues from the perspective of others there is a potential answer, Integrated Strategies can map a way through.