Being Yourself is more than enough

Over the past little while I have spent more than a bit of time scrolling LinkedIn (probably more than I should if I'm honest). And the thing that sticks out to me lately is that there are three main groups of people here.

The first are the people who have made it. The successful business owners, the motivational speakers, the ones whose names stick out in the crowd as someone you should listen to and follow, and that if you do that somehow it'll all be OK and you can (and will) become the success story you keep telling yourself in your mind. These people remind us how you should never give up, always keep things simple and tick all the emotional boxes along the way - and (depending on who you follow) that it's perfectly OK - normal even - for you to become a blithering mess along the way.

The second is the percentage of us who are on the verge - that period of time between realising something amazing and kicking all those goals until you're able to post pics of yourself and your kids on your working holiday cos, y'know, you just deserve that 'me' time while your successful empire just keeps ticking along in the background.

The third, and possibly the one I think I not only find myself in but possibly belong in as a permanent arrangement - is the rest of us who are so bombarded by messages, suggestions, advice that we didn't ask for and motivation that we didn't actually realise we needed. So hi friends, I'm here too, pass the biscuits along please.

I have come to the stark realisation that right now, as I sit here in my mid to late thirties, I have no idea what I want to do with my life and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And what that means for me in terms of my career and my job is that I will take whatever opportunities come my way for sure - but equally, I'm more than happy to see where this whole life thing ends up for me. Preferably not in a caravan somewhere, but hey we'll see.

I have things I want to learn. I have courses I want to complete (would love to see a Masters degree on my wall one day). I have knowledge I want to acquire, skills I want to hone, roles I'd rather poke my eyeballs out than ever do, and I've done jobs that were nothing more than a stepping stone on my way to the better one that came along next. And I am OK with all of that.


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