Being Woman (abridged)
Let data drive your logic not political echo chambers.

Being Woman (abridged)

This is a data-driven brief on how humanity continues to mistreat women. Brought about by the US decision to cancel 'Roe vs. Wade' on grounds of the Bible.

If you like this the detailed version can be read at

Sept 10 update: [1] Do not get pregnant in Texas (any republican state): ?[2] Respect me please:

July 23 Update: Question Do you believe that if Neman Brothers had been Neman Sisters would the crash of 2008 may not have taken place-

?Topic 0: Religions vs. Abortions

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Buddhist Quote.... 8 out of 10 chapters were written by men thus there is a great imbalance, on this subject"?from a Buddhist point of view. However, 10 out of 10 chapters in all other religious books were written only by men.

1.??????CHRISTIANITY: as a general rule there is no mention of abortions in the Bible.

·??????Catholics:?Catholics cannot use the bible, or the word of the Lord, because nowhere in the bible does it state that abortion is wrong, or that life begins at conception.?If there is no mention of abortion then all else is an interpretation of mortal men thereafter.

·??????Protestants:?As they use the same bible the facts remain the same

2.??????ISLAM:??Islamic scholars permit abortions up to day-40 of the pregnancy and even up to day-120

·??????Shiite:?Scholars in Iran, agree that abortion is banned after 4 months or 14-17.4 weeks after gestation. They also now allow abortions for fetal deformities and threats to maternal health.

·??????Sunni:?The same as the Shiite’s

3.??????HINDUISM?Current laws in India, a Hindu-dominated nation allow abortions up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.?Gendercidal abortions are prohibited.

4.??????JUDIAISM: a Chicago-based Rabbi recently, i.e. post June 24th said?“Most of the proof texts that they’re bringing in for this are ridiculous. They’re using my sacred text to justify taking away my rights in a way that is just so calculated and craven.”.?

5.??????BUDDHISM:?..?The Dalai Lama said “Abortions should be approved and disapproved according to each circumstance’ – absolutely brilliant.?as he did not go into what circumstances and left that to the reader and woman to decide.

Topic 1: A woman's Right to Choose Abortion

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On June 24th, 2022?the?SCOTUS?(Supreme Court of the US)?reportedly decided to overturn Roe vs. Wade as a Federal mandate, in a 5:4 vote. So abortion went from being a federally constitutional right across the US, to now suddenly relegated to become a state-owned decision.?This decision is not based on any scientific, mental, biological, physical, or health of a woman, but on the evangelical Christian interpretation of the Bible and based on the Catholic Christianity interpretations.?If slavery is a form of owning another person’s body, life, and decisions- then on the 24th of June US launched the second slavery – this time the slavery of all women living in Republican states is based not on color, but on sex. No matter if they are Christians or not. ( see )

?Unfortunately, this mandate remains in effect even if the victim is a 13-year-old girl who has been raped or has a baby by incest.?In one single stroke, the catholic Christians have taken away the freedom of all girls and women, in their own state, by denying them their God-given rights over their bodies, denying them, the right to education, freedom, to work, and denying them the right to make their own decisions about their future and their lives. Just like in slavery they have also criminalized abortion with property rights. This has already resulted in the birth of the modern 'Bounty Hunters', in Republican states, this time fully armed, and searching for young girls, and women who want an abortion in their Republican states.

It is, worth noting that globally India, Finland, Tanzania, and Zambia are the outliers with maximum rights given to women to make decisions on their own reproductive rights decision. Just as an example, many Indians, who have been strict vegetarians for more than a hundred generations, cannot understand how Americans can use a religious heartbeat law to enslave a woman's womb while sitting on a dining table eating a calf, a piglet, or a baby something.

It is interesting to note that not one justice, senator, or notation, both in the SCOTUS and US Republican State trigger laws -deals with the culprit that is the cause of most abortions- the Man. There can be a zero probability where a woman needs an abortion and there is no man involved. In every rape, or case of incest, it is only a man that rapes a small girl of 13, or a woman against her will. In almost all the discussions, and guidelines written by Justice Samuel Alito, and other Supreme court Justices, the male is perpetually missing from their decrees as if protected by the very lack of his mention. Ironically this law has been written mostly by men and punishes only women.?

Topic 2: Roe vs Wade: What will each US state now do:?

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This is a pre-June 24th Map – The republican states were far more prepared probably due to their internal assurances, as they had already promised their next steps to their tribal followers, in the form of trigger laws. Figure B visualizes the current outlook across the US.?The argument between science & Logic vs. church & dogma continues right into 2022, and this time the Catholic church wins, supported by the Pope himself. Now in 2022, the US Christians are leading religious revivalism, propped mostly by Republicans, supported by evangelical Christians - a uniquely US version of Christianity. Is this the second crusade this time to force Christianity and not to save it.

Topic 3: Did the Supreme Court Betray US Citizens?

This is a massive question across the US.?On one side are the Catholic Christians with their pro-life chants, and on the other women who want pro-choice freedom with their bodies.

Like in most arguments - both parties see the other as wrong. Politicians have created the ‘Divided States of the US'. My belief is that SCOTUS has done the right thing in a democratic, legal, and rule-based decision, but only if individuals realize the power SCOTUS has unleashed.

All you need to do is demand ' Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life' on your mid-term voting sheet and other voting and simply demand your rights. You can vote your rights to freedom even if in the most republican state, but only if you have a majority.

Point 0: The Democratic Roadmap:?This is the greatest opportunity SCOTUS has given to the Democrat party to potentially change the US blue, or to the Republicans to paint the US red. Each side believes they have the majority - Now let data prove who's right by giving each voter a right to their choice. Students and new voters this is your future and you need to demand it.

Remember: Though the Supreme court could have as easily totally banned abortions all across the US- they did not. This is what makes their decision democratically fair.

Now it’s the Law here in the US, your only way out is to vote it out by the majority.

Thus, if the Supreme Court has done no wrong why are you wasting your energy picketing there? Go picket outside your governor's office and demand your right to vote on this issue.

Also, before going out there get the facts right:-

FACT:?There is strong evidence that this?'Ban-Abortions' is sponsored by the Catholic Church, with direct inputs from the pope.? What this June 24th decision has unfortunately done is build a religious wall and political divisions deeper.?

Topic 4: National Degree of Freedom:?

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Though Figure D ( see detailed article) represents the overall freedom and is not directly related to women, it still represents what the men in control allow them to do. The US just enslave women in their own states with some putting in place draconian laws.

Topic 5: National Trust for Women in Politics:? ?

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Every nation in the world keeps talking about diversity, and equality above all while ignoring one-half of their human race. Globally diversity has a very strong foundation of male bias along with a parallel female suppression.?can you imagine Iran voting a woman to lead their nation or Saudi Arabia? Then how is the US any different?

Topic 6: National Trust in Women as National Leaders:?

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Figure F takes the prior optics to its next logical next step in visualization. It visualizes countries where women have been accepted in leadership roles at a national level. Here Russia and USA are on par with countries like Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Iran, and others in yellow, that have never had/voted a woman to a leadership position.?This attitude percolates downwards in all things within such a society and other leadership ripple effects.

If this, zero-trust in women as leaders, is psychologically true then is it only logical to conclude that these nations view women only through their religious ‘points of view’. Where women, per some interpretation of their holy books, are relegated to non-existential roles, and most frequently relegated as household artifacts.

Topic 7: The Frequency of Rapes by Nation:?

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Humans are extremely biased animals. Statistics is a human form of interpreting data. Firstly, if any nation scrubs their data as a governmental mandated policy or stones women that report rapes then don’t record that rape.?From a data point of view, their country's image remains squeaky clean even as their women become a sport for barbaric men.?Secondly,?t his is a given fact in every nation, not every woman reports every rape- so globally it becomes a constant, and after that, it is just a matter of argument.?Thirdly, this point came into effect on June 25th, in the USA. Where the Supreme court inadvertently may have made rape a sport here in the US too. In any Republican state - henceforth, if a woman reports a rape - the bounty hunters will be unleashed to follow her through till it results in a baby. Any girl or woman who is raped will be under criminal watch in case she tries to abort, but the man who is the main culprit - well who cares. The Supreme court may have defined a rule that says punish, track, criminalize and jail the victim and not one word about the criminal and perpetrator.

7.1 Degree of Rapes by State in the US

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On the global map, the US stands at a dismal orange, and if we take a deeper dive and look at data by individual states in this orange nation, we find that some states are worse than others in the sport of raping their women. Rather unfairly, I am forced to call it a sport because nations and states may actually be encouraging rapes by [1] making it more difficult for rapes to be reported (lets rapists go free); [2] Stop reporting the rape complaint itself (lets rapists go free); [3] promise bounty hunters on your girl and woman if reported rape, but no bounty on catching the man (lets rapists go free). [4] Always finding women guilty to the point of legalizing stoning them to death (lets rapists go free); Go vote for your future in your independent state. This is a matter of freedom of choice.

Figure I is a world map on the acceptance of a non-Binary sexual person.?Dark Blue?represents- Third non-binary gender accepted as an option.?Yellow-?is where opt-in is for intersex people only.?Orange?–Standards, and guidelines for third sex.?Grey- Non-Binary not recognized. The?US could predictably go grey in the near future if the Catholic _ SCOTUS nexus gets its way.?Now that the US religious fanatics have tasted the victory of religious blood, at their state-level victory, this could drive them into a more and more religious frenzy and it is not difficult to predict some of the states mandating a total erosion of LGBTQ rights in their states, once again it is important to remember this is not a SCOTUS mandate but your state-level church + political decision over which each of us, i.e. You and I, have total control to change with our powerful democratic votes. Don’t let the media and your local politician distract this decision and re-focus your anger on the SCOTUS. If you are angry take it out at your state level and your Church.

8.1 The next is?Transgender equality laws?by state in the US:

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Figure J, demonstrates the states which are tolerant of sexual fluidity.?Green?states are the most tolerant and the?Red?states are the most intolerant, with varying shades in between. once again this map too simply reflects the religious + political divide of the US. Once again one can start to see a pattern of Christian-dominated intolerance of women and transgender rights as politically funded, and supported by the Roman Catholic Church endeavor.

Topic 9: Where could this take us in the US

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If we're not careful US could soon look like this painting to the left where Christian men wanted a one-up on the Islamic nations, in how they covered their women. For a short period the Moorish influence of masking women took over in Europe, some going to the extreme of letting only one eye be seen in their 'holier-than-thou' competition. The photo above is from National Geographic and demonstrates one such image from Spain. At first glance I actually did not see the women, then found so many, and that is the whole intent.

The catholic church just publicly stated just prior to June 24th?“If true, SCOTUS will overturn Roe v. Wade. A grave injustice will be corrected. Prayers answered. Now, the church must go over-and-above to care for mothers & their children.”?To the author, this is a papal order mandating that all churches must support the ban on abortions not only across the US, nut across the planet. We should start hearing reverberations of this in sermons and sessions, especially in Catholic Churches.

While Hindu temples and Synagogues agree that?“Abortion bans are a violation of religious freedom. As well as a violation of dignity, autonomy, and basic human rights ” You can read this as you see fit.


1.?????Vote your future: SCOTUS has given each individual to vote their rights on abortion. Now it is your turn to force your state to give you that voting right. Demand It today.

2. women have been subjugated for centuries. The US was the nation everyone looks to. Don't let the US enslave women by declaring a womb the property of the Church and the state.

2.??????The ironic thing is every human has come from a woman. Almost every god's creature has come from a female. Then why this ageless human hatred for women?

3.????Just go and Vote for your future and your rights the next opportunity you get

6.??????The June 24th ruling in the US has religiously, yet legally, separated a woman's womb from the woman. Leaving the woman to do as she pleases. Then proceeded to enslave only the womb with criminality. Now, the new abortion bounty hunters will ride the streets of republican states

7.??????Go vote your future into existence


About the author:?No comments here are anything to do with my work, the company, or its views. The words here are totally owned and written by the author.?Hari Guleria works as a 'Senior IT Manager for Data & Analytics' for a manufacturing company in California. Prior to this, he worked at HP, HCL Axon, and SAP America. Hari is a prolific writer of articles and books. He published 'BI Valuenomics- the story of meeting business expectations in BI'?in 2011.?'Beyond Drake- No Earth 2.0', and this year will publish?'Digital Shock'?as a useful roadmap to Digital Success, sometimes by Q4 of 2022. Hari may be reached at [email protected]


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