Being a Warrior Entrepreneur (She/Her) - 1 of 4
A Look of a Million Dollar Entrepreneur! - The 2 Comma Award Winner

Being a Warrior Entrepreneur (She/Her) - 1 of 4

Sakshi and Varun have lot in common. They are born on the same day, they are raised in the city that has a beach and lastly, both decided to be entrepreneurs.

This is their story of being a Warrior Entrepreneur. First, Sakshi's story.

As Sakshi stepped into the role of a female warrior entrepreneur in the bustling Indian economy, she faced her own set of questions and challenges. She realized that being a woman in business in India came with its unique obstacles. While she was excited about her venture, her mind was filled with questions that warriors in any field need to address.


  1. Balancing Act: How could she balance the traditional roles expected of women in Indian society with her entrepreneurial ambitions?
  2. Market Perception: Would she face biases and stereotypes as a female entrepreneur, and how could she overcome them?
  3. Network: Building a network in the business world is crucial, but how could she navigate the male-dominated business networks?
  4. Mentorship: Who could she turn to for guidance and mentorship, especially when female entrepreneurial role models were limited?
  5. Financing: Access to capital is vital for any startup. Would she face challenges securing funding as a woman entrepreneur?

Sakshi recognized that her journey was distinct from Varun's due to her gender, but she was determined to face these challenges head-on.


  1. Stereotypes and Biases: Sakshi needed to deal with the pervasive stereotypes that women aren't as capable as men in the business world. This often resulted in biased judgments.
  2. Work-Life Balance: As an entrepreneur, she needed to manage her business while also fulfilling societal expectations, especially as a wife and mother.


  1. Breaking Stereotypes: Sakshi's primary objective was to prove that gender had no bearing on her entrepreneurial capabilities. She aimed to be a role model for other aspiring female entrepreneurs.
  2. Balance: She wanted to strike a balance between her entrepreneurial pursuits and her family responsibilities, showing that both were possible.


  1. Mentorship: Sakshi decided to seek out women who had succeeded as entrepreneurs and seek mentorship from them. She knew the importance of guidance from those who had walked a similar path.
  2. Networking: She actively engaged in networking events, aiming to build her own networks, and work around the established male-dominated circles.
  3. Community Building: Sakshi realized that there was a need for a community of female entrepreneurs where they could support each other. She decided to initiate a network of female entrepreneurs in her city.

Can Sakshi win with these challenges? Wait for the Sequel 3 of 4!

Meanwhile, you have no idea what Varun is up to. Will cover this in sequel 2 of 4!



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