“Being Together” – Principles of Successful Relationships
I was just bent on creating a manual, following which simply ensures the success of an individual’s every relationship with any person on this earth. So, here is what I came up with.
Being with someone (anyone for that matter, your dad, mom, sibling, husband, wife etc) and hence Being together is an art. The connection, the bonding with anyone can be enhanced by simple 10 principles which ensure that your connection will live long:
#1. Never take anyone’s care/love/concern for you as granted. Rather be grateful for the same, because you never know which day the person might give up on you.
#2. One out of the two has to be more accommodating at least. This is an opportunity to choose to be more mature. So just ‘Take it’.
#3. You can only choose one, Your Ego or The Other… You can only win one, The Argument or The Relationship. Therefore there is a need to ask yourself, what is that is more important for me than the other.
#4. Always acknowledge the presence of the other in your life. Respect him/her always genuinely. Also find time once in a while to show how special the other is for you. Remember, over-expression and under-expression, both kill a connection
#5. In the case of conflicting thoughts, opinions or even your personalities, always ask “What can I do better to improve the situation?” rather than telling the other “What should you do to improve the situation?”
#6. Give more to the other what you want from him/her. Be more loving if you want to be loved, Be more understanding, if you want to be understood and be more forgiving if you want to be forgiven.
#7. Never let the other’s total availability or other’s flexibility become a cause to make you think that you are some star. You are respected not because you deserve that but because the other wants to do so. Learn to honor this spirit of the other instead of becoming a blue star
#8. Speak less, Do more. Promise less, deliver more.
#9. Be with the other to contribute to his/her life, so that if ever you are to part, you are a beautiful dream to them and not a nightmare.
#10. Last but not the least, Love yourself, Respect yourself, Be whole in yourself. This makes you a better connection holder.
Just imagine, two people together, both of them carefully applying these principles will convert the connection into the heaven on earth. There will be moments when the other will miss applying one or all of these principles, you commit to yourself that you will never. And if every person on this planet makes this commitment, we have a happy, loving and caring world ahead of us. Isn’t it?