Being in tension with intention - again
Marcus Jenal
Curious about systems evolution. Strategic Learning Lead at Fondation Botnar. Posts my own.
Here I am, back thinking about intention, intentionality, preferred direction of change, who is setting this direction, etc. A tension that is not going away and is worth pondering and writing about regularly. And I'm anew standing in the middle of that tension with the new job I just started.?
But let me explain. I am talking a lot about Theories of Change with my colleagues, and how we at Fondation Botnar can formulate viable ToCs so that they are actually evaluable and we can at some point say that we are making a difference for the people we aim to make a difference for, and how we can learn and adjust to make that difference we make more significant. Now I am not an adherent of a very structured, linear-causal way of approaching theory of change. To start with, I tell people to write down what the current situation is, what they want to do, why or what for they want to do that, and how they know it worked or not. Based on that, we can then go and start to add detail and think about how to measure certain things. We do that on different levels (organisation, systemic arenas, thematic portfolios) and then weave these different levels together.
Behind every ToC is of course an intention, an idea of how a 'better situation' would look like. This is informed by our understanding of the world, by our values. And then there is an idea of how to get there.
The other side of the tension is an article I read recently, written by Nora Bateson based on a series of conversations between her and a group of Warm Data practitioners (Bateson 2022), titled "An essay on ready-ing - Tending the prelude to change." The essence of that article, if it is possible to summarise it in a few sentences, is that the most important (or indeed, only possible way) of changing systems (assuming one wants to increase the systems' vitality) is to work on ready-ing the system for change. The idea of ready-ing is based on the insight that before one can see change in living systems, before anything emerges, things have been shifting and readjusting to each other for a while. In an earlier paper, Nora called this phenomenon *aphanipoiesis* (Bateson 2021). This shifting and readjusting then coalesces into visible change. Depending on the type of shifting and coalescence, the change can be towards more vitality, or it can be insidious. Yet since the realm in which this ready-ing is happening is (necessarily) hidden, one does neither know whether the change that will eventually emerge from it is towards more vitality or insidiousness, nor what shape that change will take. Yet, it seems one can tend the possibilities in the ready-ing, so that whatever actions unfold do so less destructively (but isn't there also an intention behind that?).
A few quotes from the paper:
> Before the change there is a coalescence of factors and experiences that produce a undeterminable ready-ing instead of action.
> While linear managing or controlling of the direction of change may appear desirable, tending to how the system becomes ready allows for pathways of possibility previously unimagined.
> The opposite of ready-ing is to force a single-purpose outcome upon a system that is oriented and shaped around pathways that do not correspond to the desired ‘change’.
> To dictate an action change upon a living system that is not ‘ready’ brings contortions of false and unrooted ‘change’, which falter, splinter and become grotesque.
> Instead of isolating cause and effect, goal and strategy, to produce a particular change that is explicit and perhaps measurable, there appears to be a realm of potential change, a necessarily obscured zone of wild interaction of unseen, unsaid, unknown flexibility. The potency of this change is easily dismissed because it does not show up on the report with coherent analysis.
> The irony of this is that the most pernicious problem facing humanity at this time is the habit of attempting to respond to living, non-linear, multi-causal issues with responses geared toward specific outcomes. To do so is to produce actions that are fundamentally out of sync with the livingness of the problems ... But what if the change precedes the action? ... What if the more significant aspect of systemic change were in fact a prelude to the inputs and actions, something more like a readiness through which an unforeseen action can become?
> Especially in times of urgency, like these, the habit of envisioning a solution to a ‘problem’ pulls most of us into a linear imagination. ... [Yet] Is it possible to imagine the necessary change? ... From that pool of experiences and relational limitations, a hypothesis can be made as to what ‘change’ is required. But the imagined goal or direction of change is dripping with existing presuppositions; some obvious; many are not obvious.
> In the face of the current urgency, it may be necessary to explore outside of the realm of the familiar and into a realm where flexibility for potential change is produced. ... [Whereas] Flexibility may be defined as uncommitted potentiality for change.
I could go on, please read the paper.?
So here I stand in this tension, being part of an organisation that has a clear and well-formulated intention to support the well-being of young people, while at the same time understanding that even the holding of such an intention is problematic in the awareness of how change happens in living systems.
Yet is it possible for us humans not to hold any intention? Every action we take is based on some sort of intentionality, is it not? It is after all purpose and intention that make us get out of bed every morning. But there can be different ways we live this intentionality. For me three critical areas of further probing are crystallising:
Enough for today, more to ponder. Including the question "What's love got to do with it? " But I'm curious about your thoughts.
Embodying Emergence | founder, Integrative Leadership Practices - Poet/Author, Catalyst & Embodiment Coach #leadership #consciousness #presencing #coaching #nature #yogatherapy #embodiment #metowe #healing #love #fun
2 年Marcus Jenal thanks for shaping the questions through the lens of ready-ing … yes! the ME to WE journey does take readiness training and trans contextual AND trans temporal awareness & intentionality! Love has everything to do with it ?? Charlie Garland
Personal Wellbeing Coach - beyond fitness
2 年An interesting and thought provoking read Marcus, thank you. Brings to mind the work being explored by a few in the Applied Movement Neurology Group i enjoy exploring with. A more recent discovery or focus was what does a system need in order to allow change to happen. A energy, awareness, an intention or an intervention or a blend of these. A none intentional interaction is interesting. Beginners mind with a habit of playful exploration comes to mind. To simply turn up tune in and see what plays out.
A Humanising Society | Societal Metamorphosis [How can our schools, communities, organisations, economies, algorithms, governance models, societal systems, societies become reflections and expressions of our Humanity?]
2 年Your contemplation invites to growing a shared understanding, widening our gaze, dilating our perception. I am deeply grateful. "Concevoir est un pis-aller lorsqu'il n'est pas donné de percevoir" Henri Bergson
A Humanising Society | Societal Metamorphosis [How can our schools, communities, organisations, economies, algorithms, governance models, societal systems, societies become reflections and expressions of our Humanity?]
2 年Marcus Jenal, reflecting in the mirror of Tamkeen, I hear in your questions, worded and not worded, {gardener "and" garden} seeking for the language of the "and" ? Soil for thought ;) As much as one needs a brain to reflect upon a theory of the brain, one needs the magic of language to reflect upon the magic of language. Heinz von Foerster