Being stubborn helps sometimes

Being stubborn helps sometimes

Every personality quirk has an up-side and a down-side. Stubbornness is the same thing as determination and persistence. When this tendency is applied to solving a problem or accomplishing a difficult task, then it's a wonderful quality to possess and will take you far. However, if it causes you to pursue destructive avenues or to ignore wise advice, then it can be a serious hinderance. There are some Pros: A stubborn person is determined and can't be turned away from her goal by other people's opposition. The world is full of the voices of discouragement. A stubborn person is a match for them.

And some Cons: By refusing to accept someone else's point of view (or even to listen to it), stubborn person misses opportunities to grow and change. If someone offers a stubborn person help, and the stubborn person refuses to accept it, the helper is not likely to offer again. Most of us don't really know as much as we think we know. A stubborn person resists learning anything new. Being stubborn is indeed being persistent in personal behavior. The former is more associated with losing or annoying and the latter with winning. The cons is being stubborn and pros is to be persistent or at least give such impression. It's an art.

He has had enough of an ordinary life. It was time to stop fighting the thoughts of exploring a different career path. He has moved ahead in the wrong direction. He is running faster towards nowhere and then finally one day he quits. He quits everything that he acquired and has build over years. He is sane, he is mad and yes, he is stubborn . With no place to go in the morning with just a couple hundred rupees in his wallet. He is waiting for the train to nowhere. He is chasing his dream, which are still not clear. The fogs will pave way for the light as he is stubborn. He will never back down.

I want to tell you that we all take stubbornness as a negative emotions. But it has positive side too. To pursue and achieve something in the life we should have positive stubbornness. It help us to be stuck on our aim strongly. On the other side it can be more sinful. To go mad on something which is not meant for us can make our life hell. It can make our life full of problem and affect our life badly. So in less words I want to say that control your emotions and sometime we have to take decision from our mind not from heart. It's difficult to do so but we have to do. If you want long answer then tell me I will explain you in more clear words.

If you are stubborn in terms of not giving up and trying new and different ways to solve or do something I think it is very good. If you have a desire to succeed. Stubborn in terms of giving your all to something in order to learn and master something is an admirable quality. If you are stubborn( like my grandfather) won't try new things, won't learn simpler ways, won't listen to reason. Refuses to open his mind or broaden his horizons. I think it is bad, and very sad to live so rigidly. Being stubborn is good if its helping you get the most out of life. Stubborn is bad if it prevents you from living and experiencing.

A person may become stubborn when he feels his morals and values are compromised. When he does not feel the need to value others opinions. When he feels he is self sufficient and independent in taking decisions. When he feels no one can understand his perspective, and thus no point in explaining it to others. When he feels highly inferior/superior compared to others. When he has no trust in others, and feel suspicious of others motives. When he feels its his choice of being selfish and inconsiderate towards others. When he feels he is not gaining anything by being considerate and accepting others opinions.

I’m just about the most optimistic person you’ll ever meet. I studiously avoid negative thoughts whenever I possibly can. However, I’m also stubborn as hell. As an optimist, I prefer to think of that attribute as “determination.” However, in most cases they amount to the same thing. In fact my philosophy of life is summed up in three words: “Never give up!” Now, that’s both optimistic and stubborn at the same time. Being stubborn is particularly good as it helps to maintain one’s principles in the face of opposition or where people have differing views on something. It helps one to become defiant and adamant in their approach to life. It is the quality that makes the best leaders in the world, (no, not like Obama) but like Nelson Mandela.

Being open minded makes you have a soft spot and you end up becoming a people pleaser. It is the worst quality that a leader can have. A leader must be adamant and defiant and never controlled by what people think. It is the duty of the leader to give people a good reason to do what he says without harming them. Being open minded appeals when one wants attention or appreciation. This works well with entertainers who need the fans that purchase what they sell. So, one quality makes you soft whereas the other makes you tough. The major con is that you would have a Dr. Jekyll and Miss Hyde personality, best known as split personality disorder. It is better to be tough than soft. Cheers!


