Being SINGLE at the adult age: Are you lucky!

Being SINGLE at the adult age: Are you lucky!

By the end of this article, I will answer who has better life single people or maybe people in relationships.

Nowadays, being in a relationship is a big deal, and when you’re not with one, you’ll surely be laughed at. As I am single so at first I felt kind of ashamed of it. Everywhere I looked internet, movies, TV there were always these two stereotypical ways people would look at me. The word “Single” is used for labeling individuals who are not in a relationship, and with this, it has a negative impression from most of us. You are either a sad single, who sits on the sofa, eats lots of ice cream, and who deeply wants to be in a relationship or this unfaithful casual sex, lots of parties, tinder lifestyle person. But living an awesome life as a single guy, I really believe that most of us have nothing to do with this. We just do not need to be in a relationship to be happy as simple as that. And I wish more people would think that way because I see too many of us jumping from one relationship to another just to avoid being single. 

Right now there are single people than ever before in history. A study from America says that 48% of adults are not in a relationship. It is about time to stop with a single stigma. In 2020 most of us are single by choice. Hence, after doing some research I found some reasons for staying alone or single:

1. The freedom: They cannot compromise their freedom at any cost. They think being with someone will take away the freedom of their lives. They don’t want anyone to approve or disapprove of their likes or dislikes.

2. The alone time:  These people are so comfortable alone that being alone does not affect them at all. They do not have to check their cell phones now and then or their social media accounts for updates instead they spend that time on rather other essential things in their lives.

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3. Own company: They can go anyplace alone and still that will not affect their enjoyment. Their enjoyment and happiness do not rely on anyone. They can even sit in the corner of a room and watch movies or read books.

4. The commitments: These people are commitment-phobic which is the primary reason why they choose to be single. Sometimes we also have to change so many things to adjust to a relationship and changing something for someone freaks them out.

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5. The hurt: They think that romantic relationships always hurt. Thus by staying single will save them from getting destroyed by someone. Their emotions are so precious to be wasted on something or someone who does not value them.

6. The dreams: Single people can live their lives on their terms which makes them live their dreams. They have their future goals and plan for that and nothing can stop them to achieve them. They want to live it and live it to the fullest.

Now as we all know that relationships are a need of a person who is feeling lonely or who wants to share their life with someone else. What I am trying to say here is that a relationship is needed in two cases:

1. You feel a strong emotional/physical bond with a specific person, he/she feels the same for you and both of you want to be more than just friends.

Or 2. You need someone desperately as you don’t know how to keep friends and you believe/feel that a relationship can get you, such partners.

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 As cheesy as it sounds, the purpose of it is honestly because it makes you feel happy, or safe, or at peace of mind. So basically, unless you are really having a mutual emotional/physical connection with someone that you mutually want to keep for “ever” - a relationship is not required. Nowadays relationships, especially as a young adult, should not be stressful or harsh or painful. Unfortunately, many people experience heartbreak and pain because as a young adult, people do not always know what they want, what they are looking for in a partner, or even who they are. So, it is definitely not necessary to be in a relationship. I learned over the years that before you can love anyone, you have to love yourself first. Being alone is when you learn more about yourself, your likes your dislikes. You get a sense of how you want to be treated and the type of person who deserves you. Being single is not the end of anything, it is only the beginning!

Also, I want to say that being single is not perfect at all. It is very sad to not have that one and the only person to share my success with that person. But I would choose it every time over a forced relationship. So finally I promised you an answer to, who has a better life, a single person or someone who is in a relationship. And the answer is…. It is the ones who made the right choice. Single or relationship it does not matter, both of this lifestyle can be amazing. It doesn’t even matter whether you are single or in a relationship. What matters is that, whether you are happy or not. I have seen numerous people being in a relationship, but are not happy. I have seen also a lot of people who are single but desperately trying to be in a relationship. Being in a relationship during your college years is okay so long as you keep your priorities straight. It is about time that we acknowledge living single as a real choice and stops stigmatizing it.

At last, I say that if you ever make a choice to go in a relationship or improve yourself choose the later it will definitely feel good in the long run! Rather than making a gf and spending most of the time with her and depending on her, go out and meet lots of people n girls not with the intention of getting into a relationship, rather know their story and how life brought them where they were.

Being single at the age of 20 is nothing to worry about. Nothing to be ashamed of. You just haven't found your better half yet.

Shivdeep Agrahari

Student at nit mizoram

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